Run Options: Local vs. Remote

Choose whether to run jobs locally or on a remote job server.

Click the Run group label to define how jobs are run.

Figure 1. Run Options Menu

The Add Server option is available for structures and the SLM process in print3D, but not for motion, binder-sinter, porosity, or thinning analyses. The Manual Remote option is only available for structures analysis.

Local Sequential
Queue run requests on your local computer and run one after the other.
Local Parallel
Immediately execute all runs simultaneously on your local computer.
Manual Remote
Manually run a job on a remote server. Select this option if using a remote server that is not an Altair PBS server.
Custom Server
If you have added a remote server, the name of the server will appear in the menu. Select it to run jobs remotely on that server.
Add Server
Add and configure a remote job server.
Note: For more information about how to install and configure a remote job server, refer to the Inspire Remote Job Submission Guide, available on the Altair Help Center.

Add a Remote Job Server

Add and configure an Altair PBS server to run jobs remotely.

For more information about how to install and configure a PBS server, refer to the Inspire Remote Job Submission Guide, available on the Altair Help Center.

This option is only available for Structures and Print3D analysis, not Motion analysis.

  1. Click the Run group label to display run options.

  2. Select the Add Server option from the menu.
  3. Enter the Name, Host, and Port.

  4. Click Save.

    A cloud icon appears next to the Run menu when the connection to the server has been established.

  5. Click the Run group label and verify that the server has been added.
  6. Set up and run an analysis using the Run Analysis window.

If Inspire is integrated with Altair PBS Works, you can connect to an:

  • HPC Cluster running PBS Professional Workload Manager
  • HPC Cluster running LSF Workload Manager

Run a Job Manually

Manually copy a prepared model file and queue it on a remote jobs server.

This procedure is required to run a job on a remote server that is not an Altair PBS server. This option is only available for Structures analysis, not Print3D or Motion analysis.
  1. Click the Run group label to display run options.

  2. Select the Manual Remote option.

  3. Select the File menu and click the Preferences button to open the Preferences.

  4. Under Category, select Inspire: Run Options and enable Run in model directory, then click OK.
  5. Set up and run an analysis.
    The status icon in the Run Status window indicates that Inspire is waiting for the run file to be manually copied to the remote server.

  6. Right-click on the run name and select Open Run Folder.

  7. Copy the run file and manually submit it to your remote job server queue.
  8. When the job has finished running on the remote server, copy the set of result files back to the Inspire run history folder on your local computer.
  9. Click the satellite on the Analyze icon to open the Run Status window.
  10. Right-click on the name of the run and select View Results.

    After copying the run files, the status will change to a green check mark indicating that results are ready to view.

  • You can start a manual remote run and close your local version of Inspire. After copying the results back, you can load your results from the Run History.
  • For more information about how to install and configure a remote job server, refer to the InspireRemote Job Submission Guide, available on the Altair Help Center.


This references the batch file hwfdmfeprocessor.bat found in <installation_directory>\Inspire2025\hwx\bin\win64.

Specify the parameters for the job as follows:
hwfdmfeprocessor.bat stmodelfileWithPath currentRunDir scratchDir exportFileName baseDir – mesh 1

where exportFileName is optiAnalysis.fem for analysis or topoOpt.fem for optimization.

C:\Program Files\Altair\2025\Inspire2025\hwx\bin\win64>hwfdmfeprocessor.bat c:\Temp\Model.stmod c:\Temp c:\Temp optiAnalysis.fem c:\Temp -mesh 1 -ncpu 4 -ram 20000


This references the shell file found in $INSTALLDIR/altair/scripts .

Specify the parameters for the job as follows: stmodelfileWithPath currentRunDir scratchDir exportFileName baseDir – mesh 1

where exportFileName is optiAnalysis.fem for analysis or topoOpt.fem for optimization.

altair@altair-support:~$ ~altair/Inspire2025/hwfdmfeprocessor Files/Model.stmod ~altair-support/temp/ ~altair-support/temp/ topoOpt.fem ~/basedir -mesh 1 -ncpu 4 -ram 80000