Callout Options

Add visual callouts to show points of interest on your analysis results.

Option Description Note
Create, Show, and Hide Callouts

Select to create callouts; select to show and hide callouts.
  • Click the icon, then click a point on the model to create a callout.
  • After creating callouts, click the icon to show/hide the callouts in the modeling window.
List Callouts

Display in a table all of the callouts that have been created, with the result types and values. Each callout is specific to the selected run and load case.

  • Click the icon to show/hide the callout in the modeling window.
  • Select a row to select the callout in the modeling window.
  • Click a column header to sort the column. Click to toggle between ascending and descending order.
  • Click and drag column headers to reposition them in the callout list.
  • Right-click a column header to change the result types that are shown.

Min/Max Callouts

Create a callout showing where the minimum/maximum value occurs for the selected result type.
Note: When factor of safety is selected, the minimum value is shown.
  • When you click the icon, the callout is automatically generated on the model.
  • Click the min/max callout in the modeling window to create a regular callout at the same location.
Plot Display time history plots for callouts defined for structural analysis. Changes made to the Result Types option are synchronized with the setting on the Analysis Explorer. Using this option allows you to put multiple plots of mixed types on a single page.
Note: To show a callout plot during a motion analysis playback, right-click the plot, then select Show during analysis.
This option is only available for motion part analysis results.
Dynamic Callouts

Display the results of various result types in existing callouts.
Note: If you enable the Compare Results feature in a callout, the callout becomes static.
After creating a callout for a particular result type, click the icon, then select a different result type. The value in the callout reflects the new result type.