Show Motion Optimization Results

Use the Show Optimization Results tool to view the results of a motion part optimization in the Shape Explorer.

Prerequisite: Run an optimization on a motion part.
  1. Click the Show Optimization Results tool on the Optimize Part icon.

    Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools.
    The Shape Explorer is displayed.
  2. Explore the optimized shape.
    • For topology optimization, click and drag the Topology slider to adjust the amount of material in the shape.

    • For topography optimization, click and drag the Topography slider to adjust the height of the beads.

    • For gauge optimization, select whether to display the part gauge by Thickness or Percentage.

  3. Use the Analyze button to perform an analysis on the generated shape.
  4. Optional: Use the Fit button to fit surfaces to the generated shape.
  5. Click the Compare Results button to quickly compare the results of several optimization runs in table format.
  6. When finished, right-click to exit the Shape Explorer and view the model.

Explore the Generated Shape

Once optimization results have been loaded or opened, use the Shape Explorer to view the generated shape.

By default, the most recent optimization run is shown in the modeling window.

Figure 1. Inspire Model

Figure 2. H3D File

To view the result of a different optimization run, click on the appropriate item in the list at the top of the Shape Explorer.

  • Use the list at the top of the Shape Explorer to quickly toggle between the design space and the optimized shape.
  • To view a generated shape after exiting the Shape Explorer, select the design space, then select the run in the Alternative Explorer.
  • To view a design space if the Shape Explorer is not active, right-click the shape and select Switch to Design Space from the context menu.
  • To delete a run from the Alternative Explorer, right-click the run name to select Delete Run.

Topology Slider

Use the slider on the Shape Explorer to analyze the quality of your topology or topography results.

For topology optimization, if the optimized shape doesn't change much when you move the slider, this means you've arrived at a good solution and may even be able to make your design targets a bit more aggressive. If the topology changes significantly when you move the slider, you should consider relaxing your design targets and rerunning optimization until the topology remains consistent when the slider is moved.

The optimal result is the point on the slider at which all of the load and support locations are just connected. When your optimization objective is to maximize stiffness, the optimal shape is generally found near the center of the slider marked by the star. When your optimization objective is to minimize mass, the optimal shape is often found to the far right of the slider.

Topography Slider

For topography optimization, as you move the slider left and right the result shows what portions of your part need to be modified. Only two positions for the part are shown: the original position and the full bead height. The slider denotes the height above which beads will be moved to the full height. For example, if the full bead height is 4mm and there are areas that resulted in a height of 2mm, when the slider position is in the center those 2mm and higher areas will be shown at the full height of 4mm. Areas below 2mm of height will be shown at the original height. This makes the results easier to visualize and translate into CAD geometry.

Figure 3. Topography Optimization: Visualized Shape

Part Gauge Legend

For gauge optimization, the Shape Explorer features a color-coded legend that displays the gauge thickness for each part. You can also change the legend to display the percentage change in gauge for each part using the pull-down menu.

View Design Violations

After running an optimization, if certain design targets or constraints were not met, a warning will appear at the bottom of the Shape Explorer window.

Click the Design Violations button on the Shape Explorer to view a table of design violations categorized by type, including:
  • Displacement constraints
  • Stress constraints
  • Mass targets
  • Frequency constraints
Each tab in the table displays the number of violations of that type in parentheses.

Displacement Constraints

Displacement constraints are used during optimization to limit the deflection of an optimized design. They are applied using the Apply Displacement Constraints tool on the Disps icon.

After running an optimization, callouts are shown in the modeling window at each location where a displacement constraint was violated. The callout notes the amount by which the constraint was exceeded; or if there are multiple violations at the same location, this is indicated instead. Note that the callout points to where the displacement constraint was located at the time of the optimization run, even if the part has since been moved.

Click on a callout to display the Design Violations table. The violations corresponding to the location of the selected callout are highlighted in the table. Similarly, selecting a displacement constraint in the table will highlight the corresponding callout.

Bound indicates the upper or lower bound for the displacement constraint as originally defined. Achieved lists the amount of deflection that was actually achieved for the given constraint and load case. Part displays the name of the part to which the displacement constraint was applied.

For displacement constraints with both an upper and a lower bound, Diagram shows whether the displacement constraint was violated in the positive or negative direction. For older models, a diagram may not be available, in which case it will be listed as Unknown.

Stress Constraints

Stress constraints are used when your optimization objective is to minimize mass and are defined in terms of a minimum safety factor. They are applied using the Run Optimization window, which is accessed by clicking Run Optimization on the Optimize icon.

If you apply a stress constraint and the optimization is unable to achieve the minimum safety factor, then the constraint is violated and is shown in the Design Violation table.

The type of constraint in this case is always a safety factor, and the value for Minimum Desired is the safety factor used for the optimization that produced the violation.

Mass Constraints

Mass targets are used to specify the amount of material to keep when your optimization objective is to maximize stiffness. They are applied using the Run Optimization window, which is accessed by clicking Run Optimization on the Optimize icon.

If you apply a minimum frequency constraint and the optimization is unable to achieve it, then the mass constraint is violated and is shown in the Design Violations table.

Target indicates the type of mass target selected for the optimization run, while Desired displays the target value. Achieved lists the mass that was actually achieved for the given part. If you specify mass targets for each design space, then the part names will appear under the Part column.

Note that the value shown in the Achieved column applies to the result as initially shown after optimization, when the topology slider in the Shape Explorer was positioned at the star. If you add or subtract material using the topology slider, the mass achieved may no longer apply.

Frequency Constraints

Frequency constraints are used to control the frequency at which an optimized part vibrates. They are applied using the Run Optimization window, which is accessed by clicking Run Optimization on the Optimize icon.

If you apply a minimum frequency constraint and the optimization is unable to achieve it for one or more of the selected modes, then the target is violated and is shown in the Design Violations table.

Minimum Desired indicates the value specified for the frequency constraint as defined in the Run Optimization window. Achieved lists the frequency that was actually achieved for the given mode.

Compare Results (optimization)

Compare the results of multiple optimization runs in a table using the Compare Results button located at the bottom of the Shape Explorer.

Load the results in the Shape Explorer.
  1. Click the Compare Results button located at the bottom of the Shape Explorer.

    The table for comparing results appears at the bottom of the modeling window.

  2. Select the row to display the results for that run and load case.
    • Double-click a cell in the table to show that result in the modeling window.
    • Click the chevron on a column header to filter results.
    • Click a column header to sort the column.
    • Right-click a column header to change what result types, run parameters, or callouts are shown in the table.
    • Click the top left corner of the table to copy the contents of all cells. This can then be pasted into Excel.