Spring TYPE12 is used to model a pulley. When used in a seat belt model, it is
defined with three nodes.
Node 2 is located at the pulley, and a deformable rope is joining the three nodes (Figure 1). The spring
mass is distributed on the three nodes with ¼ at node 1 and node 3 and ½ at node 2.
A Coulomb friction can be applied at node 2, taking into account the angle between the two
strands. Without friction, forces are computed as:
Total rope elongation
If the Coulomb friction is used, forces are computed as:
Angle (radians unit)
Function of fct_IDfr
Ifr =0 (symmetrical
Ifr =1 (non-symmetrical
is the elongation of strand 1-2 and of strand 2-3.Figure 1. Spring TYPE12, Pulley
Time step is computed with the same equation that for spring TYPE4, but the stiffness is replaced
with twice the stiffness to ensure stability with high friction coefficients.
Note: The two strands have to be long enough to avoid node 1, or node 3 slides
up to node 2. Nodes 1 and 3 will be stopped at node 2, if there is a knot at nodes 1
and 3.
Figure 2. Spring TYPE12, Locking
For further information, refer to the Radioss Theory