Isolid |
Solid elements formulation
flag. 2
- = 0
- Set to 1 or 14.
- =1
- Default if /IMPLICIT is not used in
- Standard 8-node solid element, one integration point.
Viscous hourglass formulation with orthogonal and rigid
deformation modes compensation (Belytschko).
- =2
- Standard 8-node solid element, one integration point.
Viscous hourglass formulation without orthogonality
- =14
- Default if /IMPLICIT is used in
- HA8 locking-free 8-node solid or thick shell elements,
co-rotational, full integration, variable number of
Gauss points.
- =15
- HSEPH/PA6 thick shell elements (8-node and 6-node
respectively). Co-rotational, under integrated (one
Gauss point in the plane) with physical stabilization.
Variable number of integration points in thickness
- =16
- Quadratic 16-node thick shell or Quadratic 20-node
solid, full integration, variable number of Gauss points
in all directions.
- =17
- H8C compatible solid full integration formulation.
- =18
- 8-node solid element, Co-rotational, full integration,
fixed 2*2*2 Gauss integration points, shear
locking-free, Icpre and Ismstr defaults are based on material.
- =24
- HEPH 8-node solid element. Co-rotational,
under-integrated (one Gauss point) with physical
(Integer) |
Ismstr |
Small strain formulation
flag. 3
- = -2
- Overwrite the value defined in the property (Ismstr) with the best value based on element type and
material law.
- = -1
- Automatically define the best value based on element
type and material law, overwrite only the property which
defined Ismstr=0.
- = 0
- Set to 4.
- =1
- Small strain from time = 0.
- =2
- Full geometric nonlinearities with possible small strain
formulation in Radioss
Engine (/DT/Eltyp/Keyword3/Iflag).
- =3
- Simplified small strain formulation from time =0
(non-objective formulation).
- =4 (Default)
- Full geometric nonlinearities
(/DT/BRICK/CST has no
- =10
- Lagrange type total strain.
- = 11
- Total small strain formulation from
t= 0.
- = 12
- Lagrange type total strain with possible switch to total
small strain formulation in Radioss Engine
(Integer) |
Icpre |
Constant pressure
formulation flag.Only valid when Isolid=14, 17, 18 or 24.
- = -2
- Overwrites the value defined in the property (Icpre) with the best value based on element type and
material law.
- = -1
- Automatically define the best value based on element
type and material law, overwrite only the property
which defined Icpre=0.
- = 0
- Set to 1 or 3 depending on the Isolid value.
- = 1 (Default if
Isolid = 17)
- Constant pressure formulation to prevent volumetric
locking. Use with incompressible material, where
- = 2
- Formulation used is a function of plasticity. This
allows the correct modeling of the elastic region
when the material is compressible and the plastic
region when the material becomes incompressible.
Only available for elasto-plastic material
- = 3 (Default if Isolid=14 or 24)
- Standard formulation without constant pressure. Use
with compressible materials, like foam.
(Integer) |
Itetra4 |
4 node tetrahedral element
formulation flag.
- = 0
- Set to 1000.
- = 1
- Quadratic /TETRA4 formulation with
six DOF per node and four integration points.
- = 3
- Linear /TETRA4 with nodal pressure
averaging to limit volumetric locking effect.
- = 1000
- Linear /TETRA4 formulation with one
integration point.
(Integer) |
Itetra10 |
10 node tetrahedral
element formulation flag.
- = 0
- Set to 1000.
- = 2
- Quadratic /TETRA10 formulation with
four integration points and the same time step as a
/TETRA4 element with
- = 3
- Quadratic /TETRA10 formulation with
four integration points and the same time step as a
/TETRA4 element (less stable for
poorly shaped elements).
- = 1000
- Quadratic /TETRA10 formulation with
four integration points.
(Integer) |
Imas |
Nodal mass distribution
(per element) flag. Only for tetra4 and tetra10 element.
- = 0
- Set to 2.
- =1
- Distribution taking into account nodal volume
- =2 (Default)
- Homogeneous distribution.
(Integer) |
Iframe |
Element coordinate system
formulation flag. only for standard 8-node bricks:
2 or 17.
- = -2
- Overwrite the value defined in the property (Iframe defined) with the best value based on element type
and material law.
- = -1
- Automatically define the best value based on element
type and material law, overwrite only the property which
defined Iframe=0.
- = 0
- Set to 1.
- =1 (Default)
- Non co-rotational formulation.
- =2
- Co-rotational formulation.
(Integer) |
Icontrol |
Element distortion control flag.
- = 1
- Is activated.
- = 2 (Default)
- Is not activated.
(Integer) |