Block Format Keyword Used to set default values for certain parameters in all solid properties and thick shells. The default values defined here will be overwritten by any values entered on the individual property input.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Isolid Ismstr Icpre Itetra4 Itetra10 Imas Iframe Icontrol


Field Contents SI Unit Example
Isolid Solid elements formulation flag. 2
= 0
Set to 1 or 14.
Default if /IMPLICIT is not used in deck.
Standard 8-node solid element, one integration point. Viscous hourglass formulation with orthogonal and rigid deformation modes compensation (Belytschko).
Standard 8-node solid element, one integration point. Viscous hourglass formulation without orthogonality (Hallquist).
Default if /IMPLICIT is used in deck
HA8 locking-free 8-node solid or thick shell elements, co-rotational, full integration, variable number of Gauss points.
HSEPH/PA6 thick shell elements (8-node and 6-node respectively). Co-rotational, under integrated (one Gauss point in the plane) with physical stabilization. Variable number of integration points in thickness direction.
Quadratic 16-node thick shell or Quadratic 20-node solid, full integration, variable number of Gauss points in all directions.
H8C compatible solid full integration formulation.
8-node solid element, Co-rotational, full integration, fixed 2*2*2 Gauss integration points, shear locking-free, Icpre and Ismstr defaults are based on material.
HEPH 8-node solid element. Co-rotational, under-integrated (one Gauss point) with physical stabilization.


Ismstr Small strain formulation flag. 3
= -2
Overwrite the value defined in the property (Ismstr) with the best value based on element type and material law.
= -1
Automatically define the best value based on element type and material law, overwrite only the property which defined Ismstr=0.
= 0
Set to 4.
Small strain from time = 0.
Full geometric nonlinearities with possible small strain formulation in Radioss Engine (/DT/Eltyp/Keyword3/Iflag).
Simplified small strain formulation from time =0 (non-objective formulation).
=4 (Default)
Full geometric nonlinearities (/DT/BRICK/CST has no effect).
Lagrange type total strain.
= 11
Total small strain formulation from t= 0.
= 12
Lagrange type total strain with possible switch to total small strain formulation in Radioss Engine (/DT/BRICK/CST).


Icpre Constant pressure formulation flag.
Only valid when Isolid=14, 17, 18 or 24.
= -2
Overwrites the value defined in the property (Icpre) with the best value based on element type and material law.
= -1
Automatically define the best value based on element type and material law, overwrite only the property which defined Icpre=0.
= 0
Set to 1 or 3 depending on the Isolid value.
= 1 (Default if Isolid = 17)
Constant pressure formulation to prevent volumetric locking. Use with incompressible material, where ν 0.5 MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbbG8FasPYRqj0=yi0dXdbba9pGe9xq=JbbG8A8frFve9 Fve9Ff0dmeaabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacqaH9oGBcq GHijYUcaaIWaGaaiOlaiaaiwdaaaa@3BF2@ .
= 2
Formulation used is a function of plasticity. This allows the correct modeling of the elastic region when the material is compressible and the plastic region when the material becomes incompressible. Only available for elasto-plastic material laws.
= 3 (Default if Isolid=14 or 24)
Standard formulation without constant pressure. Use with compressible materials, like foam.


Itetra4 4 node tetrahedral element formulation flag.
= 0
Set to 1000.
= 1
Quadratic /TETRA4 formulation with six DOF per node and four integration points.
= 3
Linear /TETRA4 with nodal pressure averaging to limit volumetric locking effect.
= 1000
Linear /TETRA4 formulation with one integration point.


Itetra10 10 node tetrahedral element formulation flag.
= 0
Set to 1000.
= 2
Quadratic /TETRA10 formulation with four integration points and the same time step as a /TETRA4 element with /DT1/BRICK.
= 3
Quadratic /TETRA10 formulation with four integration points and the same time step as a /TETRA4 element (less stable for poorly shaped elements).
= 1000
Quadratic /TETRA10 formulation with four integration points.


Imas Nodal mass distribution (per element) flag.

Only for tetra4 and tetra10 element.

= 0
Set to 2.
Distribution taking into account nodal volume angle.
=2 (Default)
Homogeneous distribution.


Iframe Element coordinate system formulation flag.

only for standard 8-node bricks: Isolid=1, 2 or 17.

= -2
Overwrite the value defined in the property (Iframe defined) with the best value based on element type and material law.
= -1
Automatically define the best value based on element type and material law, overwrite only the property which defined Iframe=0.
= 0
Set to 1.
=1 (Default)
Non co-rotational formulation.
Co-rotational formulation.


Icontrol Element distortion control flag.
= 1
Is activated.
= 2 (Default)
Is not activated.



  1. This card is read only once. Only the first card /DEF_SOLID written in the model is used. The other card /DEF_SOLID is ignored.
  2. When using the automatic setting option Ismstr = Icpre = Iframe=-1, the values for these options are defined using the best options based on the element formulation, element type, and material. Alternatively, defining Ismstr = Icpre = Iframe=-2 will overwrite the values for these options defined in this property with the best value (refer to /DEF_SOLID) based on element type and material law. To see the values defined by Radioss, review the “PART ELEMENT/MATERIAL PARAMETER REVIEW” section of the Starter output file.
  3. Refer to the comments in /PROP/SOLID for more information about these input options.