Define Parameters

There are three types of parameters that can be defined: window, value, and text modifying.

You can select properties across different objects and applications if the property names are exact. For example, a parameter can be shared by a property named “Text” on the contour legend header and note in HyperView. Similarly, a parameter named “Color” can be shared by the plot legend and a note in HyperGraph.

Window Parameters

By default, when you create a new session, the Parameters Browser displays specific parameters for the various attributes that are listed.
Figure 1. Parameters Browser with the HyperGraph window parameters

The top directory under each window contain global window parameters not associated to any particular entity, for example, Plot Window Colors. For HyperGraph windows, the attributes that can be included as parameters in the automation script are:
  • Background Color
  • Frame Color
  • GridLine Color
  • ZeroLine Color
Selecting an attribute from the list, such as Background Color, creates an automation script parameter and displays it at the bottom of the browser. The report parameter name and default attribute, the background color in this case, are displayed. To change the color, for example, click the color box to display the color palette and select a new color. To remove a parameter, you can either uncheck the box or right-click it in the table and select Remove from the context menu.
Figure 2. Parameters Browser after selecting a curve attribute to create an automation script parameter

Value Parameters

In the image below, other attributes for the curve are displayed, such as header, legend, and curve attributes. Similar to window parameters, when you select an attribute from the upper portion of the browser, it becomes an automation script parameter and its default name and attribute value are displayed in the lower portion of the browser. To change a parameter’s label, click its name under the Name column and enter a new label. Similarly, to change the default value for the parameter, select the Default column cell and enter a new default. The label is presented with the default when the script is loaded.
Figure 3. Parameters Browser with Headers/Footers attributes selected

Text Modifying Parameters

Names, labels, and math expressions are supported with a variety of parameter styles, including prefixes, suffixes, search and replace, range of character substitution, and replacing entire blocks of text.
Figure 4. Parameters Browser with the curve name, component and request attributes selected.