Create Splines

Use the Spline tool to define the coupling/interface between the structure model (through the SET1 entity) and the aero model (through the AELIST entity), respectively called structure and aero surfaces.

  1. From the Aeroelasticity ribbon, click the Spline tool.
    Figure 1.

  2. On the guide bar, select the aerospace elements, nodes and components.
  3. Set options as necessary by clicking on the guide bar.
  4. Set advanced selections as necessary by clicking on the guide bar.
  5. On the guide bar, click one of the following:
    • Click to save changes and stay in the tool.
    • Click to save changes and close the tool.
Tip: From the Aeroelasticity ribbon, click the satellite icon that appears when you hover over the Spline tool to open the Aeroelasticity Browser.