The Datum Planes panel allows you to insert reference datum planes to plots.
Datum List

When you enter the Datum Planes panel, HyperGraph 3D populates the datum list with the planes that are contained in the plot. The datum plane that was selected from the list when you last exited the panel is highlighted. If this is not possible, then the bottom plane in the list is highlighted.
- Datum plane type: Reference plane, Cross section, or Clipping plane and their subcategories.
- The datum plane's position and attribute information on the Position and Attributes tabs.
- The text label on the Text tab.
A datum plane can be displayed or hidden on a plot by activating/deactivating the Datum check box.
- Cut
- Removes the selected datum plane from the list.
- Copy and Paste
- Copy and paste the selected datum plane into another window.
- Add
- Adds a new datum plane. The name of the new datum plane, Datum "n" by default, is displayed in the Datum: field. The default plane type, Reference plane, and attribute settings are also applied. The text label is left blank until you select a new name for the newly created datum plane. To change the name of a datum plane, highlight the existing datum name in the Datum: field, type a new name, and press ENTER. The name is also updated in the Datum list.
Plane Type
- Reference plane
- Inserts a reference plane through the plot.
- Cross section
- Displays the cross section of the curve.
- Clipping plane
- Hides curve data on one side of the plane.
- Transparency - Displays the clipped part of the curve as transparent.
- Reverse - Reverses the hidden side of the plane.
The Position, Text, Attributes, and Create XY Plot tabs allow you to define and manipulate the datum planes.
- Rotate plane about
- Select one of the following rotation methods for the datum plane. The
application updates the orientation selectors based on the selected
method. A default plane is created in the center of the plot. The
plane's rotation depends on which of the following methods is
- Vertical - Z axis
- The plane is parallel to the Z-axis. Changing the orientation rotates the plane around its Z-axis.
- Horizontal X axis
- The plane is parallel to the X-axis.
- Horizontal Y axis
- The plane is parallel to the Y-axis.
- Three points
- The plane passes through three selected points.
- Vertical - Z axis
- Include these points
- After selecting a rotation method, you have to select the points to include.
- Location
- Under Location, you can also enter values directly to the XYZ fields and click Enter or Apply. The planes moves along its normal until the entered values are on the plane.
- Find point controls and the slider bar
- Use the standard point selector buttons to update the plane’s location.
Cross hairs indicate the currently selected data point. Information
about the point is displayed on the panel. You can also use the slider
bar to do this.
In the Increment field, enter an incremental value for the slider bar.
- Label
- Enter text or a Templex expression in the Label field. The label is displayed on the plane in the graphics area.
- Label location
- Use the Label location buttons to select where in the graphics area the label is located.
- Font icon
- Click the Font icon,
, to change the font attributes.
Set the datum plane's color by selecting a color from the color palette.
The Opacity buttons set the plane to Solid, , or
Create XY Plot
- Place curve on
- After selecting the type of curve that you want to create, select where
you want to place the curve from the Place curve on: drop-down menu:
- Preview Plot
- The curve is created in a separate plot preview window.
- New Plot
- The curve is created in the next available empty window. If no such window exists, then the page layout is changed to the layout with an empty window. If no empty window is found, then a new page is added.
- Existing Plot
- A tree listing all plot windows on all pages is available for you to select the desired plot window as a destination for the curve.
- Create curve
- Creates an XY curve of the 3D plot cross section. Use the two drop-down
menus under Create curve to define the independent and dependent vectors
for the XY curve. Both menus contain the same options: X, Y, Z, or
Contour values. Select an option from the first drop-down menu to define
the independent vector, then go to the second drop-down menu and select
an option to define the dependent vector.
- X, Y, and Z
- X, Y, and Z are the X, Y, and Z values in the 3D plot.
- Contour values
- Plots the contour values along the section cut.
- Plot Data
- Plots the cross section or contour values in an XY plot window.