Start Applications

Learn how to start applications on Windows and Linux.

Start Applications on Windows

Startup options can be supplied to the application by modifying the shortcuts, or creating new ones, and adding the required options.

These instructions apply to HyperGraph, HyperMesh, HyperView, and MotionView.

  1. Select Altair 2025 > <Product Name> from the Start menu.
    The Startup dialog opens.
    Figure 1.

  2. Do one of the following:
    Create a New Session Using the pane on the left:
    1. Select a client and a profile.
    2. Set the start-in directory.
    3. Click Create Session.
    Open a Recent Session The Recent Sessions tab lists the recently opened HyperMesh model (.hm), session (.mvw), and MotionView model (.mdl) files. Pick a file to open the session directly and set the client and profile associated with that file.
  3. Optional: Check Don't show this again to bypass the Startup dialog in the future.
    Subsequent invokes of a product from the Windows Start Menu will bypass the Startup dialog and directly invoke the last client set. You can reactivate the Startup dialog through File > Preferences > Common > Application.

    Another way to bypass the Startup dialog is to activate the hidden shortcuts for individual products in the Windows Start Menu folder (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Altair <version>).

    Unhiding these shortcuts makes them visible in the Windows Start Menu and allows you to launch or pin a direct link into a specific client.

    Pinning the product shortcut or an app that was launched with the Startup dialog always invokes through the Startup dialog.

    Note: The product Startup dialog is only supported in Windows.

Start Applications on Linux

  1. Launch the system terminal and change to the directory from which the application should be run.
  2. Enter the full path of the application start script, along with any startup options.
    Example: <install_dir>/altair/scripts/hv
    Start ScriptDescription
    hg Starts and loads the HyperGraph client.
    hv Starts and loads the HyperView client.
    hvmc Starts HyperView - MultiCore
    hwx Starts and loads the default client.
    mv Starts and loads the MotionView client.