New Sketch

Start a new sketch and select a sketch plane.

On the Sketch ribbon, select the New Sketch tool.

  • Create a new sketch plane by defining a plane.
    1. Select one of the global planes.

      Figure 1.
    2. If needed, use the Vector tool to modify the plane's orientation.

      Figure 2.
    3. Click on the guide bar.
    4. Once the plane is accepted, the new sketch entity is added and you can start sketching using the Create tools.

      Figure 3.
  • Create a new sketch plane by selecting a face.
    1. Change the entity selector on the guide bar to Surface.
    2. Select a surface to use as a reference plane.
      Figure 4.
    3. Optional: Select Imprint on Surface on the guide bar to auto-imprint or trim the sketch onto the surface.
    4. Click on the guide bar.
    5. Once the plane is accepted, the new sketch entity is added and you can start sketching using the Create tools.

      Figure 5.
    • For a surface selection, the cursor click location becomes an origin of the sketch plane.
    • At this origin, the plane normal is calculated and intersected with the part that the surface belongs to.