Discover HyperStudy functionality with interactive tutorials.
View new features for HyperStudy 2024.1.
Learn the basics and discover the workspace.
Learn how to access and download required model files.
Learn how to perform an Optimization and compare different methods for efficiency and effectiveness.
Learn a method for characterizing parameters of a RADIOSS material law used for modeling elasto-plastic material.
Learn how to perform a multi-objective optimization with HyperStudy.
Learn how to perform a multi-disciplinary size optimization for two finite element models defined for OptiStruct that have common input variables.
Learn how to perform a multi-disciplinary design Optimization study. The disciplines used in this tutorial are structural performance and cost.
Learn how to perform a size optimization on a finite element model defined for RADIOSS.
Learn how to use discrete variables.
Learn how to use the Readmac delegate for mode tracking applications.
Learn how to perform an optimization study in which the input variables are entered and the output responses are calculated in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Learn how to perform an advanced study that has both size and shape input variables on a RADIOSS finite element model.
Perform a multi-objective Optimization study, and search for the Pareto front that minimizes both volume and maximum displacement.
Learn how to use the data created from a DOE and pass it to an optimization problem via an inclusion matrix which re-uses the data.
In this tutorial, you will experience SRO and compare SRO with the Sequential Optimization and Reliability Assessment (SORA) presented in topics/tutorials/hst/tut_hs_5000_t.html.
In this tutorial, you will perform a multi-physics optimization using HyperStudy Fit models instead of solver models.
This tutorial is centered around a synchronous permanent magnet motor designed with Altair FluxMotor tool. The goal of this tutorial is to achieve an optimal magnet shape to minimize the ripple torque at a specific working point while maintaining the torque reached at this working point and without increasing the magnet mass.
Access additional solver tutorials through Altair Connect.
Create, open, import, and save models.
A study is a self-contained project in which models, variables, output responses, and approaches are defined.
Each approach in HyperStudy serves a different purpose in the design study.
Customize HyperStudy by registering solver scripts, functions, and optimizers, and defining user preferences files.
Keyboard shortcuts used to access HyperStudy features.
This section provides quick responses to typical and frequently asked questions regarding HyperStudy.
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