Discover HyperStudy functionality with interactive tutorials.
View new features for HyperStudy 2025.
Learn the basics and discover the workspace.
Learn how to access and download required model files.
Learn how to perform Stochastic studies and a Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO) using the same fitting function.
In this tutorial, you will perform a reliability analysis to determine how sensitive the objective is to small parameter variations around the optimum.
In this tutorial, you will complete a simple Stochastic study to investigate uncertain parameters of a cantilever I-beam model defined with four variables and four functions.
Access additional solver tutorials through Altair Connect.
Create, open, import, and save models.
A study is a self-contained project in which models, variables, output responses, and approaches are defined.
Each approach in HyperStudy serves a different purpose in the design study.
Customize HyperStudy by registering solver scripts, functions, and optimizers, and defining user preferences files.
Keyboard shortcuts used to access HyperStudy features.
This section provides quick responses to typical and frequently asked questions regarding HyperStudy.
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