Turbulent Flow with Separation in an Asymmetric Diffuser
In this application, AcuSolve is used to simulate fully
developed turbulent flow through an asymmetric diffuser with a divergent lower wall and a
straight upper wall. AcuSolve results are compared with
experimental results as described in Buice and Eaton (2000). The close agreement of AcuSolve results with experimental results validates the ability of
AcuSolve to model cases with internal turbulent flow with
flow separation and reattachment in an asymmetric diffuser.
Problem Description
The problem consists of air flowing through an asymmetric diffuser with a divergent lower wall
and a straight upper wall, as shown in the following image, which is not drawn to
scale. The diffuser inlet has a height of 1.5 cm (H) and extends 9 cm (6H) to the
divergent section. The lower wall of the diffuser diverges at an angle of 10° and
expands to 7.05 cm (4.7H). The divergent section has a horizontal length of 31.5 cm
(21H). The expanded section of the diffuser extends 84 cm (56H) to the outlet. Air,
with a density of 1.225 kg/m3 and a viscosity of 1.8325 X 10-5
kg/m-s enters the diffuser through the inlet of the diffuser with a fully developed
turbulent profile at a Reynolds's number of 20,000. The simulation was conducted
with the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations using four turbulence models,
Spalart Allmaras, Shear Stress Transport (SST), K-ω and Realizable K-ε.Figure 1. Critical Dimensions and Parameters for Simulating Turbulent Flow with
Separation in an Asymmetric Diffuser
The simulation was performed as a two dimensional problem by constructing a volume mesh that
contains a single layer of elements extruded in the cross stream direction
(perpendicular to the flow plane) and by imposing symmetry boundary conditions on
the extruded planes.Figure 2. Mesh Details Near the Inlet and Divergent Section of Diffuser Figure 3. Mesh Details at the Beginning of the Divergence of the Lower Wall in the
AcuSolve Results
The AcuSolve solution converged to a steady state and the results
reflect the mean flow conditions. As the fully developed turbulent flow enters the
divergent section, the peak velocity is maintained until the expansion of the
cross-sectional height, forms an adverse pressure gradient. After the flow enters
the divergent section, the velocity decreases significantly, due to the expansion of
the cross-section height. This causes separation of the flow along the divergent
wall and results in an area of recirculation. The bulk of the flow above the
divergent wall maintains its streamwise direction, while a portion of it reverses
direction before reattaching further downstream of the divergent section. The
following images show the steady state flow solution for flow within the
diffuser.Figure 4. Velocity Contours Within the Diffuser Figure 5. Close up View of Velocity Vectors and Contours of Velocity Magnitude in
the Diffuser Figure 6. Close up View of Velocity Vectors and Contours of Pressure to Show
Recirculation as it Approaches the Reattachment Point
Upstream of the diffuser section, the streamline velocity increases as the distance from the
lower wall increases until it reaches the maximum velocity at the center of the
channel. As the flow enters the divergent section of the channel, the streamwise
velocity decreases near the bottom wall. The images below show the velocity profiles
at three locations as measured from the midpoint of the curve where the bottom wall
begins to diverge (X=0.0) for each of the tested turbulence models. The first
location, where X/H = -5.944, is close to the inlet. The second location, where X/H
= 13.468, is approximately 0.2 m downstream of the divergent section (~ 0.1 m from
the fully expanded section). The third location, where X/H = 24.066, is
approximately 0.16 m downstream of the point where the diffuser has reached the
maximum height. In these plots the black circles represent the experimental
measurements (Buice and Eaton 2000), the solid red lines for the prediction for the
Spalart Allmaras model, solid blue lines for the prediction for the SST model, solid
green lines for the prediction for the K-ω model and solid cyan lines for the K-ε
model, representing the AcuSolve results. The
non-dimensional height is represented by the fraction of the vertical height (Y)
divided by the inlet height (H) and the velocity is normalized by the inlet velocity
(Uref).Figure 7. Non-Dimensional Streamwise Velocity Plotted Against Vertical Location
Near the Inlet (X/H=-5.9442, Where the Reference Point is 6H Downstream of
the Inlet) Figure 8. Non-Dimensional Streamwise Velocity Plotted Against Vertical Location
Approximately 0.2 m Downstream of the Divergence (X/H = 13.468, Where the
Reference Point is 6H Downstream of the Inlet) Figure 9. Non-Dimensional Streamwise Velocity Plotted Against Vertical Location
Approximately 0.2 m Downstream of the Transition to the Fully Divergent
Section (X/H = 27.066, Where the Reference Point is 6H Downstream of the
The non-dimensional pressure coefficient (Cp) all along the inlet-bottom stretch of the diffuser
is calculated using the reference pressure at X=-3H (at the bottom wall) and with
reference velocity (Uref) at the inlet with the value of 22.3152 (m/s). The
predicted non-dimensional pressure coefficients are compared to experimental
results. The figure below shows Cp, along a constant vertical height, as a function
of the streamwise distance from the inlet of the channel. The results demonstrate
that AcuSolve is capable of accurately predicting the
pressure within the diffuser within the expected range based on the type of
turbulence model used. The performance of the three turbulence models were found to
be consistent with previously published results for flow through the diffuser as
published by Buice and Eaton (2000), with the SST model predicting the pressure
distribution most accurately.
Note: The inlet of the experimental duct was 6H longer
than that modeled - AcuSolve values where X/H <
-6 are reported as the inlet value.
Figure 10. Non-Dimensional Pressure Coefficient (Cp) Plotted Against Relative
Distance Along the Diffuser at a Constant Height Equal to the Bottom of the
In this application, a fully developed turbulent flow at a Reynolds number of 20,000 is studied. Due to the adverse pressure gradient, separation of flow occurs and causes recirculation in the divergent section of the diffuser. The results were found to be consistent with previously published computational studies and experimental data. The results of this validation demonstrate the ability of
AcuSolve to accurately predict the separation point, the recirculation that occurs along the divergent wall, and the reattachment point in the straight section of the diffuser.
Simulation Settings for Turbulent Flow with Separation in an Asymmetric
HyperMesh CFD database file: <your working
Problem Description
Analysis type - Steady State
Turbulence equation - Spalart Allmaras
Auto Solution Strategy
Max time steps - 150
Relaxation Factor - 0.4
Material Model
Density - 1.225.0 kg/m3
Viscosity - 1.8325e-5 kg/m-sec
Element Set
Material model - Air
Simple Boundary Condition
Type - Wall
Simple Boundary Condition (disabled to allow for nodal boundary
conditions to be set)
Advanced Options
Nodal Boundary Conditions
Type - Linear
Precedence - 2
Curve fit variable - Y coordinate
Curve fit values (included in database)
Type - Linear
Precedence - 2
Curve fit variable - Y coordinate
Curve fit values (included in database)
Eddy Viscosity
Type - Linear
Precedence - 2
Curve fit variable - Y coordinate
Curve fit values (included in database)
Simple Boundary Condition
Type - Outflow - 101139.0 Pa
Side 1
Simple Boundary Condition
Type - Symmetry
Side 2
Simple Boundary Condition
Type - Symmetry
Simple Boundary Condition
Type - Wall
C.U. Buice, and J.K., Eaton. "Experimental Investigation of Flow Through an
Asymmetric Plane Diffuser". Journal of Fluids Engineering 122:433-435. June
S. Obi, K. Aoki and S. Masuda. "Experimental and Computational Study of
Turbulent Separating Flow in an Asymmetric Plane Diffuser". Ninth Symposium on
Turbulent Shear Flows. p. 305. Kyoto, Japan. August 16-19, 1993.