Collection of AcuSolve simulation cases for which results are compared against analytical or experimental results to demonstrate the accuracy of AcuSolve results.
This section includes validation cases that consider time dependent flow simulations.
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AcuSolve is a leading general purpose CFD solver that is capable of solving the most demanding industrial and scientific applications.
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Introduction of background knowledge regarding flow physics and CFD as well as detailed information about the use of AcuSolve and what specific options do.
This section includes validation cases containing flow conditions that will cause turbulence to form, requiring that a turbulence model is used.
This section includes validation cases that consider steady state flow simulations.
This section includes validation cases that do not require a turbulence model to be used.
This section includes validation cases that consider wall bounded simulation domains with internally constrained fluid medium.
This section includes validation cases that consider unbounded simulation domains where external flow is present over solid bodies, leading to free boundary layer development.
This section includes validation cases containing conditions producing laminar to turbulent flow that are simulated with a turbulence transition model.
In this application, AcuSolve is used to simulate two dimensional, laminar flow over a cylinder to predict separation of flow from the cylinder surface and the flow in the wake area. AcuSolve results are compared with experimental results as described in Tritton (1959). The close agreement of AcuSolve results with experimental results validates the ability of AcuSolve to model cases with unsteady oscillating vortex streets.
In this application, AcuSolve is used to simulate the flow of air between concentric cylinders that is initiated by the rotation of the solid inner cylinder. The outer cylinder is held stationary while the inner cylinder rotates with a constant speed. AcuSolve results are compared with analytical results as described in White (1991). The close agreement of AcuSolve results with analytical results validates the ability of AcuSolve to maintain a continuous velocity across a non-conformal guide surface interface.
In this application, AcuSolve is used to simulate the changes in wall temperature due to two-phase nucleate boiling at the heated walls of a pipe with water flowing through it. AcuSolve results are compared with experimental results adapted from Koncar and others (2015). The close agreement of AcuSolve results with experimental results validates the ability of AcuSolve to model two-phase nucleate boiling problems.
In this application, AcuSolve is used to simulate the high-speed turbulent flow in a converging and then diverging nozzle. The flow within the nozzle enters as subsonic, reaches sonic at the throat and shortly after develops a normal shock. AcuSolve results are compared with experimental results adapted from Bogar and Sajben (1983). The close agreement of AcuSolve results to experimental measurements validates the ability of AcuSolve to simulate internal supersonic flows where normal shocks are present.
In this application, AcuSolve is used to simulate the fluid-structure interaction of a fluid moving over a cylinder/plate assembly. AcuSolve results are compared with experimental results as described in Gomes and Lienhart (2009). The close agreement of AcuSolve results with the experimental results validates the ability of AcuSolve to model cases in which the fluid forces lead to structural motions.
In this application, AcuSolve is used to simulate pressure and temperature inside an actuating piston using the ideal gas relationship and fully defined mesh motion. AcuSolve results are compared with analytical results as described in Moran and Shapiro (2000). The close agreement of AcuSolve results with analytical results validates the ability of AcuSolve to model cases with material properties defined by the ideal gas law subjected to significant mesh distortion.
This section includes validation cases that consider the temperature of the flow by simulating one or modes of heat transfer.
This section includes validation cases that consider time dependent motion within the domain, requiring that the mesh movement be modeled with a differential equation, a fully defined mesh motion or by interpolated mesh motion.
This section includes validation cases that consider multiple reference frame simulations to model the effects of simplified rotational motion.
This section includes validation cases that consider the immiscible multiphase interaction of two fluids.
This section includes validation cases that consider the compressibility of the fluid using a variable material model.
AcuSolve command descriptions and corresponding examples.
AcuSolve utility programs covering preparatory and post-processing as well as user-defined functions and utility scripts.
Customization of AcuSolve allowing you to customize certain capabilities of the solver.
Commands of AcuTrace, a particle tracer that runs as a post-processor to or a co-processor with AcuSolve.
Instructions to define additional solution quantities of AcuTrace called user equations.
Instruction of the AcuReport tool, a standalone post-processor batch tool used to generate a report from an AcuSolve solution database.
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