Specifies element and nodal boundary conditions for mesh displacement for a set of element faces.
AcuSolve Command
MESH_BOUNDARY_CONDITION("name") { parameters...}
User-given name.
- shape (enumerated) [no default]
- Shape of the surfaces in this set.
- three_node_triangle or tri3
- Three-node triangle.
- four_node_quad or quad4
- Four-node quadrilateral
- six_node_triangle or tri6
- Six-node triangle.
- element_set or elem_set (string) [no default]
- User-given name of the parent element set.
- surfaces (array) [no default]
- List of element surfaces.
- surface_sets (list) [={}]
- List of surface set names (strings) to use in this command. When using this option, the connectivity, shape, and parent element of the surfaces are provided by the surface set container and it is unnecessary to specify the shape, element_set and surfaces parameters directly to the MESH_BOUNDARY_CONDITION command. This option is used in place of directly specifying these parameters. In the event that both of the surface_sets and surfaces parameters are provided, the full collection of surface elements is read and a warning message is issued. The surface_sets option is the preferred method to specify the surface elements. This option provides support for mixed element topologies and simplifies pre-processing and post-processing.
- type (enumerated) [=fixed]
- Type of displacement for the mesh on this surface..
- fixed
- Mesh fixed to the wall.
- planar_slip
- Mesh slips tangentially along the wall of a planar surface. An error is issued if the surface is not planar.
- free_surface
- Free surface.
- mesh_motion
- Mesh follows a mesh motion. Requires mesh_motion.
- guide_surface
- Mesh follows a guide surface. Requires guide_surface.
- flexible_body
- Mesh follows a flexible body. Requires flexible_body.
- external_code
- Mesh follows the coupled external code surface.
- surface_tension_model (string) [=none]
- User-given name of the surface tension model. If none, surface tension is not modeled. Used with type = free_surface.
- contact_angle_model (string) [=none]
- User-given name of the contact angle model. If none, default contact angle is used. Used with type = free_surface.
- flexible_body (string) [=none]
- User-given name of the FLEXIBLE_BODY command. Used with type = flexible_body.
- nodal_x_modes (array) [no default]
- Array of node number (first column) and x-component eigenvector values (last num_modes columns, where num_modes is given by the FLEXIBLE_BODY command referenced by flexible_body). Nodes must match those referenced in the surfaces. Used with type = flexible_body.
- nodal_y_modes (array) [no default]
- Array of node number (first column) and y-component eigenvectors values (last num_modes columns, where num_modes is given FLEXIBLE_BODY command referenced by flexible_body). Nodes must match those referenced in the surfaces. Used with type = flexible_body.
- nodal_z_modes (array) [no default]
- Array of node number (first column) and z-component eigenvectors values (last num_modes columns, where num_modes is given FLEXIBLE_BODY command referenced by flexible_body). Nodes must match those referenced in the surfaces. Used with type = flexible_body.
- guide_surfaces (list) [={}]
- List of user-given names of the GUIDE_SURFACE commands that the nodes of this MESH_BOUNDARY_CONDTION will be forced to track along. Used with type = guide_surface.
- mesh_motion (string) [=none]
- User-given name of the MESH_MOTION command for determining mesh displacement. Used with type = mesh_motion and type = flexible_body.
- coupling_type (enumerated) [=structural]
- Manner in which AcuSolve surfaces are coupled with the external
code. Used with type = external_code.
- structural
- AcuSolve surface is coupled with either a line or surface element set in the external code. This option requires mesh_coupling_type = tied when coupling to line elements.
- line
- AcuSolve surface is coupled with a line element set in the external code. This option requires mesh_coupling_type = tied.
- surface
- AcuSolve surface is coupled with a surface element set in the external code.
- rigid_body
- AcuSolve surface is coupled with a rigid body in the external code.
- coupling_direction (enumerated) [=both]
- External code coupling direction for the surface. Used with type =
- both
- Exchanges information with the external code object in both directions. AcuSolve sends loading information to the external code and the external code sends displacements back to AcuSolve.
- to_external_code
- AcuSolve sends loading information to the external code, but no displacement information is returned.
- from_external_code
- AcuSolve does not send loading information to the external code, but displacement information is provided to AcuSolve at each step.
- mesh_coupling_type (enumerated) [= tied]
- Type of the mesh displacement boundary condition. Used with type =
- tied
- Fluid mesh tied to the solid.
- slip
- Fluid mesh slides on the solid.
- external_code_tags (list) [={}]
- Array of strings used to associate this fluid surface to a given solid surface. The null list matches to all solid surface and beams. Used with type = external_code.
- rigid_body_name (string) [no default]
- Name of the rigid body the external code surface is coupled with. Used with coupling_type = rigid_body and type = external_code.
- gap_factor (real) >=0 [=1]
- Non-dimensional (with respect to the length of an element face) maximum gap allowed for two element faces to be in contact. No maximum if zero.
- gap (real) >= 0 [=]
- Dimensional maximum gap allowed for two element faces to be in contact. No maximum if zero.
- precedence (integer) [1]
- Precedence of the nodal boundary condition defined here with respect to others elsewhere. Highest value has precedence on a per-variable basis.
ELEMENT_SET( "flow elements" ) {
shape = four_node_tet
elements = { ...
4, 2, 5, 6, 8 ;
5, 2, 6, 3, 5 ;
... }
shape = three_node_triangle
element_set = "flow elements"
surfaces = { 4, 41, 2, 5, 6 ;
5, 51, 5, 6, 3 ; }
type = planar_slip
defines all the necessary boundary conditions for mesh displacement such that the nodes are allowed to slip tangentially along two surfaces of the element set "flow elements".
- Element Shape
- Surface Shape
- four_node_tet
- three_node_triangle
- five_node_pyramid
- three_node_triangle
- five_node_pyramid
- four_node_quad
- six_node_wedge
- three_node_triangle
- six_node_wedge
- four_node_quad
- eight_node_brick
- four_node_quad
- ten_node_tet
- six_node_triangle
The surfaces parameter contains the faces of the element set. This parameter is a multi-column array. The number of columns depends on the shape of the surface. For three_node_triangle, this parameter has five columns, corresponding to the element number (of the parent element set), a unique (within this set) surface number, and the three nodes of the element face. For four_node_quad, surfaces has six columns, corresponding to the element number, a surface number, and the four nodes of the element face. For six_node_triangle, surfaces has eight columns, corresponding to the element number, a surface number, and the six nodes of the element face. One row per surface must be given. The three, four, or six nodes of the surface may be in any arbitrary order, since they are reordered internally based on the parent element definition.
4 41 2 5 6
5 51 5 6 3
shape = three_node_triangle
element_set = "flow elements"
surfaces = Read( "lower_wall.srf" )
type = planar_slip
SURFACE_SET( "tri faces" ) {
surfaces = { 1, 1, 1, 2, 4 ;
2, 2, 3, 4, 6 ;
3, 3, 5, 6, 8 ; }
shape = three_node_triangle
volume_set = "tetrahedra"
SURFACE_SET( "quad faces" ) {
surfaces = { 1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 9 ;
2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 ;
3, 3, 5, 6, 8, 15 ; }
shape = four_node_quad
volume_set = "prisms"
surface_sets = {"tri_faces", "quad_faces"}
tri faces
quad faces
surface_sets = Read("surface_sets.srfst")
The mixed topology version of the MESH_BOUNDARY_CONDITION command is preferred. This version provides support for multiple element topologies within a single instance of the command and simplifies pre-processing and post-processing. In the event that both the surface_sets and surfaces parameters are provided in the same instance of the command, the full collection of surface elements is read and a warning message is issued. Although the single and mixed topology formats of the commands can be combined, it is strongly recommended that they are not.
- | fixed | planar_slip | mesh_motion | free_surface | guide_surface | flexible_body | external_code |
wall | OK | OK | OK | Error | OK | OK | OK |
inflow | OK | OK | OK | Error | OK | Warning | Warning |
outflow | OK | OK | OK | Error | OK | Warning | Warning |
slip | OK | OK | OK | Error | OK | OK | OK |
symmetry | OK | OK | Error | Error | Error | Error | Error |
far_field | OK | OK | OK | Error | OK | Warning | Warning |
free_surface | Error | Error | Error | OK | Error | Error | Error |
MESH_BOUNDARY_CONDITION( "water surface" ) {
surface_sets = {"tri faces","quad faces"}
type = free_surface
surface_tension_model = "water/air"
contact_angle_model = "water/air @ smooth aluminum"
MESH_MOTION( "boat motion" ) {
type = rigid_body_dynamic
rigid_body_mass = 100
GUIDE_SURFACE( "ship hull" ) {
surface_sets = {"tri faces","quad faces"}
type = faceted
mesh_motion = "boat motion"
MESH_BOUNDARY_CONDITION( "water/ship hull" ) {
type = guide_surface
guide_surfaces = {"ship hull"}
FLEXIBLE_BODY( "flexible body" ) {
equation = mesh_displacement
num_modes = 5
MESH_BOUNDARY_CONDITION( "flexible surface" ) {
type = flexible_body
flexible_body = "flexible body"
nodal_x_modes = Read( "channel.wet_surf.xmd" )
nodal_y_modes = Read( "channel.wet_surf.ymd" )
nodal_z_modes = Read( "channel.wet_surf.zmd" )
where the files channel.wet_surf.xmd, channel.wet_surf.ymd, and channel.wet_surf.zmd correspond to the nodal modes in the x, y, and z-directions. The format of these files is the same as nodal_modes in the NODAL_BOUNDARY_CONDITION command. See also the FLEXIBLE_BODY command for details. The nodes in these files must match those referenced in the MESH_BOUNDARY_CONDITION. If the problem has a deforming mesh (that is, mesh is set to arbitrary_lagrangian_eulerian or specified in the EQUATION command), and type = flexible_body and wall_velocity_type = match_mesh_velocity on a given set of nodes (the default), then the given velocity conditions are ignored. Instead, the velocity is set to match the velocity of the mesh.
MESH_MOTION( "moving body" ) {
type = rigid_body
MESH_BOUNDARY_CONDITION( "moving wall" ) {
type = mesh_motion
mesh_motion = "moving body"
FLEXIBLE_BODY( "Blade A" ) {
equation = mesh_displacement
surface_outputs = { "Blade A" }
MESH_MOTION( "Rotation" ) {
type = rotation
rotation_variable = time
type = flexible_body
flexible_body = "Blade A"
nodal_x_modes = Read( "BladeA.xmd" )
nodal_y_modes = Read( "BladeA.ymd" )
nodal_z_modes = Read( "BladeA.zmd" )
mesh_motion = "Rotation"
communication = socket
socket_initiate = off
socket_host = "localhost"
socket_port = 10000
coupling_type = structural
MESH_BOUNDARY_CONDITION( "Deforming wall" ) {
type = external_code
coupling_type = structural
gap = 0
gap_factor = 0
external_code_tags = {}
- The distance between the point and the face is less than gap; and
- The distance between the point and the face, normalized by the length of the face, is less than gap_factor.
The gap/gap_factor constraint is ignored if the corresponding parameter is zero. If both parameters are zero, then there are no constraints and each quadrature point is guaranteed to be in contact with another face. Fluid forces are actually applied to the solid model only if the fluid quadrature point is determined to be in contact with a solid face. Similarly, nodal boundary conditions from the solid model are applied only if the solid model node is in contact with the external code surface.
type = external_code
coupling_type = structural
gap = 0
gap_factor = 0
external_code_tags = {"Riser outer wall"}
type = external_code
coupling_type = structural
gap = 0
gap_factor = 0
external_code_tags = {}
In this case, the "Riser" surface will only be matched to solid surfaces tagged with "Riser outer wall" while the "Drill" surface can be matched with anything.
A coupling_type = structural indicates that all of the surfaces participating in the exchange between AcuSolve and the external code are of a single, consistent element type (that is line/beam elements or surface elements). For example, if a simulation contains five MESH_BOUNDARY_CONDITION, type = external_code commands, they must all be coupled to line elements or surface elements in the structural model. Prior to the release of AcuSolve 13.0, it was only possible to couple with a single type and this option is therefore supplied for backward compatibility. Starting in AcuSolve 13.0, it is possible to couple with surface elements, line elements and rigid body surfaces within a single simulation. This is accomplished by explicitly defining the coupling_type parameter for each MESH_BOUNDARY_CONDITION of type = external_code command that is issued.
This type = external_code option determines all of the boundary conditions on the wetted surface (that is, all the points that are determined to be in contact) if precedence is sufficiently high. The parameter mesh_displacement_type may be either slip, allowing the mesh to slide against the solid (such as in a half-filled tank); or tied, where the fluid mesh displacement is tied to the solid. For slip, the solid surface acts just like a guide surface; see the description of guide_surface type in the NODAL_BOUNDARY_CONDITION command for details about the algorithm used.