This macro gives to the users the possibility to create an AFIR with almost all combinations of poles pairs and slots, while editing most of the geometric parameters.
Note: For more details about this macro, consult this additional document.
- Ri: Inner radius rotor
- Ro: Outer radius rotor
- Ly: Rotor yoke length
- P: Number of pairs poles
- SPM: space between magnet
- H: Height magnet
- LM: Length of magnet
- NS: Number of slots
- HS: Height slots
- TH : Thickness yoke stator
- HIS : Height of end slots
- OS: Opening slot
- W1: Width slot
- W2: Space between slots and radius slots
- GAP: Airgap
- Creation of geometrics parameters put as inputs and the optional parameters related
- Generation of AFIR geometry considering the inputs
- Three-phase electric circuit with adequate winding