Rotating Cylinder
This HTC correlation can be used on the inner or outer surface of a rotating cylinder. The correlation is based on several sources and the equation coefficients and exponents can be modified, if needed, to match other situations. For some situations, the default values use the horizontal flat plate correlation.
- Type
- Subtype
Index | UI Name (.flo label) |
Description |
1 | Cylinder Radius (RADIUS) |
The cylinder radius. If AUTO, the radius of the flow chamber attached to the convector will be used. |
2 | Length (LENGTH) |
The cylinder length. |
3 | Rotor Index (ROTOR_IDX) |
The index of the rotor shaft containing the RPM for the
cylinder surface. The speed for this rotor shaft is set in the If AUTO, the rotation assigned to the thermal node attached to the convector will be used. |
4 | Surface Dir (SURF_DIR) |
1= Radially Out, convection applied to the cylinder's outer
surface. 1= Radially In, convection applied to the cylinder's inner surface. |
5 | Laminar Coefficient (LAM_COEF) |
Coefficient to be used in the laminar Nu equation. If AUTO, use the value described in the Formulation section. |
6 | Laminar Exponent (LAM_EXP) |
Exponent to be used in the laminar Nu equation. If AUTO, use the value described in the Formulation section. |
7 | Turbulent Coefficient (TUR_COEF) |
Coefficient to be used in the turbulent Nu equation. If AUTO, use the value described in the Formulation section. |
8 | Turbulent Exponent (TUR_EXP) |
Exponent to be used in the turbulent Nu equation. If AUTO, use the value described in the Formulation section. |
9 | Laminar-to-Transition Ra (RA_LAM) |
Rayleigh number where the laminar regime of the flow ends and
the transitional regime starts. If AUTO, RA_LAM=9.8*10^11. |
10 | Transition-to-Turbulent Ra (RA_TURB) |
Rayleigh number where the transitional regime of the flow
ends and the fully turbulent regime starts. If AUTO, RA_TURB=1.02*10^12. |
11 | HTC Multiplier (HTC_MULT) |
A constant multiplier to scale the value of the heat transfer coefficient obtained from the correlation. |
This correlation uses a simple Nu formulation, with coefficients and exponents used according to geometry and flow conditions.
Stable Configuration | Unstable Configuration | |
LAM_COEF | 0.27 (ref 2, eq 9.32) | 0.44 (ref 1, section 3.2) |
LAM_EXP | 0.25 (ref 2, eq 9.32) | 0.25 (ref 1, eq 3.6) |
TURB_COEF | 0.27 (ref 2, eq 9.32) | 0.15 (ref 2, eq 9.31) |
TURB_EXP | 0.25 (ref 2, eq 9.32) | 0.333 (ref 2, eq 9.31) |
Stable Configuration | Unstable Configuration | |
Cylinder Inner Surface | Twall < Tfluid | Twall > Tfluid |
Cylinder Outer Surface | Twall > Tfluid | Twall < Tfluid |
Index | .res Label | Description |
1 | TNET | Thermal network ID that has the convector where this correlation is used. |
2 | CONV_ID | Convector ID that is using this correlation. |
3 | RAD | Cylinder radius. |
4 | RPM | Cylinder rotations per minute. |
5 | LAM_COEF | Coefficient used in the laminar Nu equation. |
6 | LAM_EXP | Exponent used in the laminar Nu equation. |
7 | TUR_COEF | Coefficient used in the turbulent Nu equation. |
8 | TUR_EXP | Exponent used in the turbulent Nu equation. |
9 | RA | Rayleigh number. |
10 | NU | Calculated Nusselt number. |
11 | HTC | Calculated Heat Transfer Coefficient. |
Heat Transfer Correlation References
- Tang, H., Puttock-Brown M., Owen J. M., "Buoyancy-Induced Flow and Heat Transfer in Compressor Rotors", Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, July, 2018.
- Incropera, F. and Dewitt, D. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.