Merging the Results on the Cluster
Execute the combine_results.lua from the command line using
POSTFEKO to merge the results on a cluster. Use the
argument to pass configuration information to the
combine_results.lua script.
Use the following command-line parameters to launch the
combine_results.lua script in non-interactive
QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen $FEKO_HOME/bin/postfeko [SESSION] --non-interactive
--run-script=[SCRIPT] --configure-script="[OPTIONS]"
Note: The
--configure-script parameter requires that the input
variables are wrapped in quotes with an empty space separating each
- A single session (.pfs) may be specified that may or may not exist.
- Specify the absolute path to the
combine_results.lua file.Tip: Find the combine script in the <FEKO_SHARED_HOME> directory:
- xmlSweepFile
- The absolute path to the Cluster sweep summary
*.xml file on the cluster.Note: To specify paths for the --configure-script variable it is recommended to use literal strings, for example, [[<insert path>]].