- Characteristic Mode Plotter
This POSTFEKO application macro can be used to plot all the standard parameters that are available after a characteristic mode analysis simulation was performed.
- MIMO Performance Evaluation
This application macro is used for calculating mean effective gain (MEG) and envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) for a MIMO antenna configuration. The MEG ratio can also be plotted.
- Multiport Post-Processing
The Multiport post-processing application macro allows you to calculate results for changes in the port loading without rerunning the Solver. Results that are supported are far fields, near fields, currents and specific port parameters, for example, the voltage, current and S-parameters of each port.
- Plot Multiple S-Parameter Traces Macro
Plot multiport S-parameter results.
- Tile Windows
An application macro to tile any POSTFEKO views side-by-side.
- Plot Interference Matrix
This application macro uses the S-parameter data from a Feko simulation to display a coupling matrix for a multi-port scenario.
- Characteristic Mode Synthesis and Design
The characteristic mode synthesis and design application macro is a post-processing application macro that can be used to calculate a weighted sum for the currents, near fields, and far fields requests for specific characteristic modes of interest. The application macro uses a modified version of the modal weighting coefficient (MWC) to use the radiating phase when synthesising the results with the macro.
- Other POSTFEKO Application Macros
A collection of smaller POSTFEKO application macro are available, but these macros do not include step-by-step instructions.