Script - RADHAZ Safety Zone Using NRPB 89 Standard

This script generates a near field result that incorporates the calculated near fields and the NRPB 89 safety standards.

The normalised threshold as per NRPB 89

Each near field value is processed and normalised to the maximum field value that the standard allows for that frequency. A value of 1 corresponds to the field threshold according to the standard. A value higher than 1 is over the limit and a value lower than1 is a safe zone.

-- This example illustrates how advanced calculations
-- can be performed to display radiation hazard zones.
-- The NRPB 89 standards are used.
nf = pf.NearField.GetDataSet("yagi.StandardConfiguration1.nf3D")
function calculateRADHAZThresholds(index, nf)
-- Get a handle on the indexed near field point
local nfPt = nf[index]
-- Set up the threshold according to the standards
-- Frequency in GHz
local freq = nfPt:AxisValue(pf.Enums.DataSetAxisEnum.Frequency)/1e9
local EfieldLimit = 97.1*math.sqrt(freq)
local HfieldLimit = 0.258*math.sqrt(freq)
-- Scale the values to indicate percentages. The percentage represents
-- the field value relative to the limit of the standard.
nfPt.EFieldComp1 = nfPt.EFieldComp1/(EfieldLimit)
nfPt.EFieldComp2 = nfPt.EFieldComp2/(EfieldLimit)
nfPt.EFieldComp3 = nfPt.EFieldComp3/(EfieldLimit)
-- Scale the values to indicate percentages. The percentage represents
-- the field value relative to the limit of the standard.
nfPt.HFieldComp1 = nfPt.HFieldComp1/(HfieldLimit)
nfPt.HFieldComp2 = nfPt.HFieldComp2/(HfieldLimit)
nfPt.HFieldComp3 = nfPt.HFieldComp3/(HfieldLimit)
pf.DataSet.ForAllValues(calculateRADHAZThresholds, nf)
-- Note that in essence, the values being returned are
-- no longer near fields. As such, interpret them
-- carefully in POSTFEKO.
return nf