Viewing the Results

View and post-process the results in POSTFEKO.

Note: The session, radiation_zones.pfs, is included in the Feko installation.
The session contains the results from the antenna simulation and the following three scripts:
  • INIRC88
    This script generates a near field result that incorporates the calculated near fields and the INIRC 88 safety standards for occupational limits.
    This script generates a near field result that incorporates the calculated near fields and the NRPB 89 safety standards.
    This is a custom dataset that contains both the INIRC 88 and NRPB 89 safety standards. The result shows the maximum field limits for both magnetic and electric fields over the calculated frequency band.
  1. View the electric and magnetic field limits for the INIRC 88 and NRPB 89 safety standards over the frequency band.
    Figure 1. The electric field values at a given location (-0.0316, -0.067, -0.2) m over frequency.

  2. Determine if the point (-0.0316, -0.067, -0.2) m is within the safety limits.
    Figure 2. The electric and magnetic field limits for the INIRC 88 and NRPB 89 safety standards.

    Note: The electric field exceeds the maximum limit over the bandwidth of 1.031 – 1.179 GHz.