Creating the Model
Create the model in CADFEKO. Define any ports and sources required for the model. Specify the operating frequency or frequency range for the model.
- Set the model unit to centimeters.
Define the following variables.
- epsr_a = 10.2 (The relative permittivity of the bottom layer.)
- epsr_b = 2.54 (The relative permittivity of the top layer.)
- f_min = 2.1e9 (The minimum frequency.)
- f_max = 2.3e9 (The maximum frequency.)
- lambda_a = c0/f_max/sqrt(epsr_a)*100 (The wavelength in the bottom layer.)
- lambda_b = c0/f_max/sqrt(epsr_b)*100 (The wavelength in the top layer.)
- d_a = 0.16 (The height of the bottom layer.)
- d_b = 0.16 (The height of the top layer.)
- patch_l = 4.0 (The length of the patch antenna.)
- patch_w = 3.0 (The width of the patch antenna.)
- grnd_l = 2*patch_l (The length of the substrate.)
- grnd_w = 2.5*patch_w (The width of the substrate.)
- feed_l = lambda_a (The length of the microstrip feed line.)
- feed_w = 0.173 (The width of the microstrip feed line.)
- stub_l = 1.108 (Length of the matching stub on the microstrip feed line.)
- ap_l = 1.0 (The length of the aperture.)
- ap_w = 0.11 (The width of the aperture.)
Create a dielectric medium for the bottom layer.
- Relative permittivity: epsr_a
- Dielectric loss tangent: 0
- Label: bottom_layer
Create a dielectric medium for the top layer.
- Relative permittivity: epsr_b
- Dielectric loss tangent: 0
- Label: top_layer
Create the aperture.
Create the finite ground plane.
Create the aperture in the ground.
- Subtract aperture from ground.
- Rename Subtract1 to slotted_ground.
The finite ground plane now has a hole at the centre where the aperture plate was defined. -
Create the patch.
Create the microstrip feed line.
The source will be a voltage source placed on an edge port.
Create a plate (via) that connects the ground plane and feed line.
A positive terminal and a negative terminal are required for the edge
Split feedVia in the UV plane at (0, 0,
- Rename the two resulting parts to port_bottom and port_top respectively.
- Union port_bottom and port_top and rename the resulting part to conducting_elements.
Set the properties of all the faces to PEC.
Note: This step ensures that the faces will remain PEC after future union operations.
Create the bottom dielectric layer.
Create the top dielectric layer.
- Union all parts.
- Set the bottom region to bottom_layer.
- Set the top region to top_layer.
Add an edge port to the edge that splits the via connection in half.
- The negative face corresponds to the face attached to the ground plane.
- The positive face is the opposite face.Tip: The polarity of the port is not relevant for single port models.
- Add a voltage source to the port. (1 V, 0°, 50 Ω).
- Set a continuous frequency range from f_min to f_max.
Specify the symmetry about the X=0
plane as Magnetic symmetry.
Tip: Exploit model symmetries (if it exists) in a large or complex model to reduce computational costs.