Constructing the Yagi-Uda Antenna
Build a parametric model of a Yagi-Uda antenna. Use variables and named points already created.
Create a line (active element).
- Start point: (0, 0, -yagi_li/2)
- End point: (0, 0, yagi_li/2)
- Label: yagi_active
Create a line (director element).
- Start point: (0, -yagi_d, -yagi_ld/2)
- End point: (0, -yagi_d, yagi_ld/2)
- Label: yagi_director
Create a line (reflector element)
- Start point: (0, yagi_d, -yagi_lr/2)
- End point: (0, yagi_d, yagi_lr/2)
- Label: yagi_reflector
Create another director element.
- Create a copy of the yagi_director element.
- Translate the copy from (0, 0, 0) to (0, -yagi_d, 0).
Create another director element.
- Create a copy of the first yagi_director element.
- Translate this new copy from (0, 0, 0) to (0, -2 * yagi_d, 0).
- Union the lines and rename the resulting part to yagi_antenna.
Place the Yagi antenna in the correct position and orientation.
- Rotate the yagi_antenna part around the N axis by -(90+15)°.
- Translate the yagi_antenna part from (0, 0, 0) to (yagi_centre, yagi_centre, yagi_centre).