Creating the Variables and Named Points
Create the variables and named points used in the construction of the Yagi-Uda antenna.
Create the following variables.
- freq = 1.654e9 (The operating frequency.)
- lambda = c0/freq (The wavelength in free space.)
- yagi_ld = lambda * 0.442 (length of the director element.)
- yagi_li = lambda * 0.451 (length of the active element.)
- yagi_lr = lambda * 0.477 (length of the reflector element.)
- yagi_d = 0.25 * lambda (spacing between Yagi elements.)
- yagi_rho = lambda * 0.0025 (radius of the helix wire segments.)
Create the following named points.
- helix_centre = (-1.5/2, 0.75, 1.5) (helix antenna location.)
- yagi_centre = (-1.5/2, -0.75, 1.5) (Yagi antenna location.)