Antenna Coupling Using an Ideal Receiving Antenna

Calculate the coupling between a helix antenna and a Yagi-Uda antenna located in front of a large plate. Reduce computational resources by using the uniform theory of diffraction (UTD) and an ideal receiving antenna.

The receiving antenna is modelled with three equivalent field types:
  1. far field radiation pattern
  2. far field spherical modes
  3. near field aperture
The results will be compared for all three field types.
Note: Equivalent field sources and receiving antennas are impressed fields and are not influenced by nearby physical structures.

For accuracy, ensure sufficient distance to the physical structures.

Three models are provided for this example:
  • Antenna_Coupling_Helix_Antenna.cfx: Model of the helix antenna used to pre-calculate the three field types that will be used in the ideal receiving antennas.
  • Antenna_Coupling_Receiving_Antenna.cfx: Model that calculates the antenna coupling using the ideal receiving antenna types.
  • Antenna_Coupling_Full.cfx: Full model for both antennas.
Figure 1. 3D view of the full model.

Tip: Find the completed models in the application macro library1.
1 The application macro library is located on the Home tab, in the Scripting group. Click the Application Macro icon and from the drop-down list, select Example Guide.