Viewing the Results
View and post-process the results in POSTFEKO.
The resource requirements (time and memory) for the MLFMM solution are notably smaller than for the full MoM solution. Some solution times from the .out file are given below. Note that times are strongly dependent on the hardware.
SUMMARY OF REQUIRED TIMES IN SECONDS CPU-time runtime Reading and constructing the geometry 1.630 1.631 Calcul. of the MLFMM transfer function 0.876 0.876 Fourier transform of MLFMM basis funct. 4.505 4.508 Calcul. of matrix elements 126.248 126.251 Calcul. of right-hand side vector 0.099 0.099 Preconditioning system of linear eqns. 44.603 44.603 Solution of the system of linear eqns. 112.489 112.486 ------------ ------------ total times: 293.942 293.941 (total times in hours: 0.082 0.082) Specified CPU-times are referring to the master process only Sum of the CPU-times of all processes: 2351.498 seconds ( 0.653 hours) On average per process: 293.937 seconds ( 0.082 hours) Peak memory usage during the whole solution: 443.363 MByte
For the antennas mounted on the helicopter:
- View the coupling between the antennas as a function of frequency on a Cartesian graph.
View the reflection coefficients of the antennas as a function of frequency on
a Cartesian graph.