User Interface Layout

View the main elements and terminology in the POSTFEKO graphical user interface (GUI).

  1. Quick access toolbar
    The quick access toolbar is a small toolbar that gives quick access to actions that are performed often. The actions available on the quick access toolbar are also available via the ribbon. The quick access toolbar includes: New project, Open project, Save project, Undo and Redo.
  2. Ribbon
    The ribbon is a command bar that groups similar actions in a series of tabs. The ribbon consists of the application menu, core tabs and contextual tab sets.
  3. Project browser
    The project browser is a panel that lists the models loaded in the current project, imported data, stored data and scripted data.
    Tip: Collapse the project browser to expand the 3D view.

    On the View tab, in the Show group, click the  Project icon.

  4. Model browser
    The model browser is a panel that organises the model information of the selected model in the project browser (3), into two separate tabs.
    Model tab
    The Model tab lists the model information and results for the selected model.
    Results tab
    The Results tab lists the results and solution information.
  5. Details browser
    The details browser is a panel that shows in-depth detail for the selected item in the model browser (4).
    Tip: View the solution information for the selected model.
    On the model browser (Results tab), click Solution information to view:
    • start and end time
    • memory per process
    • total CPU-time
  6. Status bar
    The status bar is a small toolbar that gives quick access to general display settings, tools, and graph cursor settings.
  7. 3D view/2D graphs
    3D view
    The 3D view displays the geometry, mesh, solution settings as well as 3D results.
    2D graphs
    The 2D graphs display the 2D results on either a Cartesian graph, polar graph, Smith chart or Cartesian surface graph.
    • Re-order the window tabs by simply dragging the tab to the desired location.
    • Rename the window tab by using the right-click context menu and selecting Rename.
  8. Result palette
    The result palette is a panel that gives access to options that control the data in the 3D view or 2D graph for the relevant result type. For example, 3D far field data allows the phi cut plot type and gain in dB to be specified.
  9. Help
    The Help icon gives quick access to the Feko manuals.
    Tip: Press F1 to access context-sensitive help.
  10. Search bar
    The search bar is a single-line textbox that allows you to enter a keyword and search for relevant information in the GUI. Entering a keyword in the search bar will populate a drop-down list of actions as well as the location of the particular action on the ribbon or context menu. Clicking on an item in the list will execute the action.
  11. Application launcher
    The application launcher toolbar is a small toolbar that gives quick access to other Feko components.