Impedance computation - Cst


The aim of this section is to compute the inter bar and inter pole impedance of the damper circuit end rings.

1 Shortcut panels to navigate in the impedance results
2 Main window for visualizing the machine axial view
3 Section dedicated to inter bar and inter pole impedance definition
4 “Automatic” computation mode selection
5 Constant computation mode
6 Icon to export end ring impedance data into *.txt or *.xlsx files.

Constant computation mode

When constant computation mode is set, the inter-bar and inter pole end-ring resistance and inductance values must be set by the user. The values are given for a reference temperature. In this case the inter bar end ring resistances and inductances are always a function of temperature (function depending on the material of the end-ring). Once again, the inter bar impedance can only take an average value, even if bars are not evenly distributed.

END RING – Constant computation mode
1 “Constant” computation mode selection
2 Impedance characteristic to be defined