1. Motor factory – Export AREA – Home page view

The area “EXPORT” of Motor Factory groups two main families of functions:


In “DOCUMENT”, the function “REPORT” allows building reports automatically to describe all the work achieved for the design as well as for the tests.

Then, the function “SCRIPT” allows to build and export a python script of a current motor in the application Script Factory or in a targeted folder.


In “ADVANCED TOOLS”, the function “HYPERSTUDY” allows to build and export a connector in Altair® HyperStudy® for performing studies like optimization or Design of Experiment (DOE).

Then, the functions “FLUX2D”, Flux Skew, Flux 3D allow to build and export a model in Altair® Flux® environment (2D, Skew or 3D) for performing advanced studies either with magneto static or transient applications.

1.3 “SYSTEM ”

The function “SYSTEM” allows exporting files in FMU (Functional Mock-up Unit) format file or in MAT format file from FluxMotor® for PSIM or Activate

Motor Factory - EXPORT area
1 Selection of the EXPORT area of Motor Factory.
2 Access the area “REPORT” in which a report can be made
3 Access the area “SCRIPT” for generating a python file in which all the needed command lines are written to rebuild the motor
4 Access the area “HYPERSTUDY” in which a connector can be made and sent to HyperStudy®
5 Access the area “FLUX2D” in which a model can be made and sent to Altair® Flux® 2D
6 Access the area “FLUX SKEW” in which a model can be made and sent to Flux® Skew
7 Access the area “FLUX3D” in which a model can be made and sent to Altair® Flux® 3D
8 Access the area “SYSTEM” in which a data files can be exported in FMU format files or in MAT format files for PSIM or Avtivate