1. Motor factory – Export AREA – Home page view

The area “EXPORT” of Motor Factory groups two main families of functions:


In “DOCUMENT”, the function “REPORT” allows building reports automatically to describe all the work achieved for the design and the tests.

Then, the function “SCRIPT” allows to build and export a python script of a current motor in the application Script Factory or in a targeted folder.


In “ADVANCED TOOLS”, the function “HYPERSTUDY” allows to build and export a connector in Altair® HyperStudy® for performing studies like optimization or Design of Experiment (DOE).

In “ADVANCED TOOLS”, the function “FLUX 2D” allows to build and export a model in Altair® Flux® 2D environment for performing advanced studies either with magneto harmonic or transient applications.

On the other hand, the function “FLUX SKEW” allows to build and export a model in Flux® Skew environment for performing advanced studies either with magneto harmonic or transient applications.

Motor Factory - EXPORT area
1 Selection of the EXPORT area of Motor Factory.
2 Access to the area “REPORT” in which a report can be made
3 Access the area “SCRIPT” for generating a python file in which all the needed command lines are written to rebuild the motor
4 Access the area “HYPERSTUDY “ in which a connector can be made and be sent to Altair® HyperStudy®
5 Access to the area “FLUX 2D“ in which a model can be made and be sent to Flux® 2D
6 Access to the area “FLUX SKEW” in which a model can be made and be sent to Flux® Skew