Material data

1. Lamination data

Here are the properties needed to define a new lamination:

Category Label Unit
Description Name *
Family *
Author *
Manufacturer *
Memo *
Economic Price USD/kg
Mechanical data Sheet thickness mm
Stacking factor 1
Mass density kg/m3
Young modulus N/m2
Poisson ratio 1
Magnetic data Relative permeability 1
Magnetic polarization at saturation Js T
Relative permeability 1
Knee coefficient 1
Iron Loss Hysteresis loss coefficient (kh) 1
Exponent of B for the hysteresis losses (αh) 1
Exponent of f for the hysteresis losses (βh) 1
Classical loss coefficient - Sine wave (kc x kαc) 1
Classical loss coefficient - Any wave (kc) 1
Exponent for the classical losses (αc) 1
Excess loss coefficient - Sine wave (ke x kαe) 1
Excess loss coefficient - Any wave (ke) 1
Exponent of B for the excess losses (αe) 1
Thermal data Reference temperature - Tref °C
Thermal conductivity in the lamination direction at Tref W/K/m
Thermal conductivity in the lamination insulation at Tref W/K/m
Equivalent thermal conductivity in the lamination depth at Tref W/K/m
Specific heat at Tref J/K/kg
Note: The B(H) curve is defined with an analytical model given in the Advanced section: Create a B(H) curve.
Note: A stacking factor is considered to define the B(H) curve to analyze the behavior of the magnetic circuit of the machine.

The user must define the magnetic characteristics of the solid material while the magnetic characteristics of the lamination stack are automatically deduced considering the value of the stacking factor.

See Advanced section: Create a B(H) curve.

Note: Electric properties are defined via iron loss model.
Note: Iron losses are defined with an analytical model given in Advanced section: Define iron loss parameters.
Note: The thermal conductivity “in depth” along the stacking direction: K d is computed as follows:
S f Stacking factor
K ins Thermal conductivity of the lamination insulation
K lam Thermal conductivity in the lamination
Note: The thermal conductivity of laminated regions is constant whatever is the temperature of the region.

2. Solid data

Here are the properties needed to define a new solid:

Category Label Unit
Description Name *
Family *
Author *
Manufacturer *
Memo *
Economic Price USD/kg
Mechanical data Mass density kg/m3
Young’s modulus (E) N/m2
Poisson’s ratio (ν) 1
Shear modulus (G) N/m2
Electrical data Reference temperature (Tref) °C
Isotropic resistivity at Tref. Ohm*m
Temperature coefficient at Tref. 1/K
Magnetic data Magnetic polarization at saturation J s T
Relative permeability 1
Knee coefficient 1
Thermal data Reference Temperature Tref °C
Isotropic thermal conductivity at Tref W/K/m
Specific heat at Tref J/K/Kg
Note: The B(H) curve is defined with an analytical model as described in the Advanced section: Create a B(H) curve.
Note: Iron losses are not considered in solid materials.
Note: The relation between the electrical resistivity and the temperature is described in Advanced section: “Impact of temperature on physical properties”.
The thermal conductivity of solid regions is constant whatever is the temperature of the region.

3. Magnet data

Here are the properties needed to define a new magnet:

Category Label Unit
Description Name *
Family *
Author *
Manufacturer *
Memo *
Economic Price USD/kg
Mechanical data Mass density kg/m3
Electrical data Reference temperature (Tref) °C
Isotropic resistivity at Tref. Ohm*m
Temperature coefficient at Tref. 1/K
Magnetic data Reference temperature (Tref) °C
Remanent induction Br at Tref T
Reverse temperature coefficient α for Br 1/K
Relative permeability μ r 1
Intrinsic Coercivity HcJ at Tref A/m
Reverse temperature coefficient b for HcJ 1/K
Energy product (B.H) max J/m3
Normal coercivity field Hcb at Tref A/m
Maximum operating temperature °C
Curie temperature °C
Thermal data Reference temperature (Tref) °C
Isotropic thermal conductivity at Tref W/K/m
Specific heat at Tref J/K/Kg
Note: The relations between the remanent induction, the intrinsic coercivity and the temperature are described in advanced section: “Impact of temperature on physical properties”.
Note: The thermal conductivity of the magnet regions is constant whatever is the temperature of the region.

4. Electric conductor data

Here are the properties needed to define a new electrical conductor:

Category Label Unit
Description Name *
Family *
Author *
Manufacturer *
Memo *
Economic Price USD/kg
Mechanical data Mass density kg/m3
Electrical data Reference temperature Tref °C
Isotropic resistivity at Tref. Ohm*m
Temperature coefficient at Tref. 1/K
Thermal data Reference temperature (Tref) °C
Isotropic thermal conductivity at Tref W/K/m
Specific heat at Tref J/K/Kg
Note: Non-magnetic behavior.
Note: The relation between the electrical resistivity and the temperature is described in Advanced section: “Impact of temperature on physical properties”.

5. Electric insulator data

Here are the properties needed to define a new electrical conductor:

Category Label Unit
Description Name *
Family *
Author *
Manufacturer *
Memo *
Economic Price USD/kg
Mechanical data Mass density kg/m3
Thermal data Reference temperature (Tref) °C
Isotropic thermal conductivity at Tref W/K/m
Specific heat at Tref J/K/Kg
Note: Non-electrical and non-magnetic behavior.

6. Gas data

Here are the properties needed to define a new gas:

Category Label Unit
Description Name *
Family *
Author *
Manufacturer *
Memo *
Economic Price USD/kg
Mechanical data Reference pressure Pref Pa
Mass density reference temperature TrefD °C
Mass density at TrefD and Pref kg/m3
Mass density first order temperature coefficient at TrefD and Pref K-1
Mass density second order temperature coefficient at TrefD and Pref K-2
Dynamic viscosity reference temperature - TrefV °C
Dynamic viscosity at TrefV kg/m/s
Dynamic viscosity first order temperature coefficient at TrefV K-1
Dynamic viscosity second order temperature coefficient at TrefV K-2
Thermal data Thermal conductivity reference temperature - TrefC °C
Thermal conductivity at TrefC W/K/m
Thermal conductivity first order temperature coefficient at TrefC and Pref K-1
Thermal conductivity second order temperature coefficient at TrefC and Pref K-2
Specific heat reference temperature - TrefS °C
Specific heat at TrefS and Pref J/K/kg
Specific heat first order temperature coefficient at TrefS and Pref K-1
Specific heat second order temperature coefficient at TrefS and Pref K-2
Note: Gas are considered to have no electrical and no magnetic properties.

7. Liquid data

Here are the properties needed to define a new liquid:

Category Label Unit
Description Name *
Family *
Author *
Manufacturer *
Memo *
Economic Price USD/kg
Mechanical data Mass density reference temperature TrefD °C
Mass density at TrefD and Pref kg/m3
Mass density first order temperature coefficient at TrefD and Pref K-1
Mass density second order temperature coefficient at TrefD and Pref K-2
Dynamic viscosity reference temperature - TrefV °C
Dynamic viscosity at TrefV kg/m/s
Dynamic viscosity first order temperature coefficient at TrefV K-1
Dynamic viscosity second order temperature coefficient at TrefV K-2
Thermal data Thermal conductivity reference temperature - TrefC °C
Thermal conductivity at TrefC W/K/m
Thermal conductivity first order temperature coefficient at TrefC and Pref K-1
Thermal conductivity second order temperature coefficient at TrefC and Pref K-2
Specific heat reference temperature - TrefS °C
Specific heat at TrefS and Pref J/K/kg
Specific heat first order temperature coefficient at TrefS and Pref K-1
Specific heat second order temperature coefficient at TrefS and Pref K-2
Thermal expansion reference temperature - TrefE °C
Thermal expansion coefficient at TrefE K-1
Thermal expansion first order temperature coefficient at TrefE K-1
Thermal expansion second order temperature coefficient at TrefE K-2