
1. Edit a material - Overview

It is possible to edit a material from the user material database to update its properties. Editing is necessary to introduce the physical properties of a new created material.

Editing a material has two different steps:
  • Open the material to display its properties
  • Edit the material properties navigating through the different physical domains.

How to edit a material to update properties?
1 By using the right mouse button on one material of the user material database.
2 By selecting a material and clicking in “Edit” in the “Material” menu.
3 Outputs- Material properties (values and eventually curves) will be displayed.
4 Inputs – The general description of material can be modified in this area (Author, Manufacturer, Price and Reminder)
Note: the price is used in Motor Factory to compute the overall cost of the machine (for materials).

Use the icons of this menu to select the category.

Depending on the material family some of all these categories may be available:
  • Description
  • Mechanic
  • Electric
  • Magnetic
  • Iron losses
  • Thermic
  • Operating conditions

2. Outputs

In this area all the physical properties of the material will be shown including the inputs variables, and also the physical properties deduced from the inputs and curves describing the material behavior.

The output information will vary depending on the family of the considered material.

Output area
Example of a material from the family “Electric conductor”.
Example of a material from the family “Magnet”.

3. Inputs

In this area the properties of the material can be edited if it belongs to the USER database.

To introduce the variable values the user should navigate between the different categories. Categories will vary depending on the family of the edited material.

Method to define the material properties
1 Select the category.
2 Introduce the desired values.
3 Use the apply button to accept the new values.