Spatial Impulse Response

The spatial channel impulse response at the mobile station can be analyzed for each computed pixel within the simulation area.

Click Analysis > Spatial Channel Impulse Response (MS) to specify an evaluation location by positioning the mouse cursor in the result window. After selecting a location by clicking the left mouse button, the spatial channel impulse response for the current location is displayed in a new window. Within this window, the 3D impulse response can be analyzed by rotating and zooming the graph with the mouse.

Further adjustments of the graph can be done in the Settings dialog, which can be reached by clicking the icon in the toolbar.

To open the Impulse Settings 3D dialog, right-double click on the spatial channel impulse response.

Figure 1. The Impulse Settings 3D dialog.

Note: The spatial channel impulse response can only be analyzed if the simulation was calculated with a ray-optical propagation model and the additional ray data output was enabled. While loading the result file, you will be asked to load additionally available data. This question has to be answered with yes to do analysis of the radio channel.
Figure 2. Example of a spatial impulse response for a specified location. The angle is defined relative to the x-axis in the anti-clockwise direction (meaning the y-axis is at 90°).