Tunnel Example

Create and solve propagation inside tunnels with WinProp.

Model Overview

The model contains three subway tubes and a subway station.


Tunnels are typically much longer than they are wide. The TuMan component is designed to create tunnel geometries conveniently. Figure 1 shows the top view of the geometry in TuMan.
Figure 1. Top view of the tunnel in TuMan.

Track startpoints and endpoints are denoted portals. A track is a tunnel which does not need to have a constant cross-section. Cross-sections are defined in separate windows in TuMan and are assigned to segments of the tracks. This example has two cross-sections, denoted tube tunnel and tube station. The tube station is wide enough to connect to two tube tunnels.

At the end of the TuMan session, a database is exported for use in WallMan.


The geometry was enhanced in WallMan. A train was added, as well as a few other minor details. You can view the geometry in WallMan by opening the TunnelSample_Tube.idb file. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the enhanced geometry. The geometry was preprocessed in WallMan.
Figure 2. A cross-section view of the tunnel geometry with an added train and elevated railway tracks.

Figure 3. A 3D view of the tunnel geometry.


Sites and Antennas
The tunnel contains a site with two-directional radiators. The radiating antennas at a height of 5.5 m are operating on a carrier frequency of 2 GHz.
Tip: Click Project > Edit Project Parameter and click the Sites tab to view the antenna settings.
Computational Method
The prediction method used in this model is a 3D intelligent ray tracing model (with preprocessed data). This method requires a preprocessed geometry database. Result resolution and prediction height were defined during preprocessing.
Tip: Click Project > Edit Project Parameter and click the Computation tab to view the method.

Propagation results show at every location the power received from each individual transmitter antenna. Figure 4 shows the results for Site 1 Antenna 1 at a height of 4 m (a predefined height).

Figure 4. Power received by a hypothetical isotropic antenna when antenna 1 is transmitting.

Propagation results were calculated for field strength, path loss, delay spread, and angular spreads.