SS-T: 5010 Partial Response and Dynamic Reactions

Plot partial responses and reaction forces for a dynamic analysis.

SimSolid performs meshless structural analysis that works on full featured parts and assemblies, is tolerant of geometric imperfections, and runs in seconds to minutes. In this tutorial, you will do the following:
  • Plot partial responses and reaction forces in SimSolid.
Model Description
The following model files are needed for this tutorial:
  • PartialResponse.ssp
Figure 1.

The project file has the following specifications:
  • Regular connections with a 1.5mm gap and penetration tolerance.
  • Modal and Frequency Response subcases are pre-defined.
  • Solution settings are set to Global + Local.

Open Project

  1. Start a new SimSolid session.
  2. On the main window toolbar, click Open Project .
  3. In the Open project file dialog, choose PartialResponse.ssp
  4. Click OK.

Plot Dynamic Response for Point

  1. In the Analysis Workbench toolbar, click (Pick info).
    The Frequency response in picked point dialog opens.
  2. Pick a point in the modeling window.
    A Dynamic frequency response dialog opens and shows the plot for Point 1.
    Figure 2.

Plot Partial Response

  1. In the Dynamics frequency response (Point) dialog, pick a point and plot the dynamic response.
    A dialog opens and shows the plot of the chosen point.
    Figure 3.

  2. In the dialog, pick a point on the curve to show the Modes contributions into response table.
  3. In the table, select rows to choose which modes to include in the partial response.
    Tip: You can sort the table by clicking on the column headers.
  4. Click Evaluate response.
    The plot in the dialog updates to show the partial response.

Plot Dynamic Reaction Force

  1. Project Tree, select a Dynamic analysis branch to open the Analysis Workbench.
  2. On the workbench toolbar, select the (Reaction/contact force) icon.
  3. In the dialog, select either the Supports tab or the Connections tab.
    Figure 4.

  4. Select supports/connections from the list in the dialog.
  5. Select a Reactions type to Force Fx from the drop-down menu.
  6. Optional: If plotting multiple forces, you can select the Show each plot in separate window check box to create multiple plots.
  7. Click Evaluate.
    A new dialog opens and shows a graph of the chosen force. You can use the radio buttons in this dialog to change Y-axis scale. Partial response can be evaluated for the curve.
    Figure 5.