Add Adhesives to Local Regions

Add adhesives (stiffness) to local regions using existing tubular parts.

Selected parts must conform to a tubular cylindrical shape. SimSolid will extract the centerline of the cylindrical part then create an adhesive region of a specified width in the gap between the parts that the tube overlaps.
Note: Material of an adhesive is assumed to be linear. If there is a stress-strain curve associated with the material, it will not be used. Adhesives can be applied in all types of non-linear analyses

  1. On the Project Tree, click on the Connections workbench
  2. On the Connections workbench, select the (Create adhesive connections from solids/lines) icon.
  3. In the dialog, define adhesive width.
  4. Under Create from solids, use one of the following options to select parts on the model:
    Select solids which represent adhesive
    1. Choose the Select solids which represent adhesive radio button.
    2. In the modeling window, select solids. They will appear in a list in the dialog.
    Find solids by keyword
    1. Choose the Find solids by keyword radio button.
    2. Type the part name into the Part name contains: text box.
    3. Click Find solids. A list of solids containing the part name you typed will appear in the dialog.
  5. Click the Find connections button to find the connections between selected parts.
    This will examine the parts and convert all that are recognized into adhesive lines of the specified width.
  6. Define Adhesive material name.
  7. Click OK.