LDAP Synchronization Option

Before you begin, you must enable LDAP connections.

Running Batch Synchronization

Synchronize several users simultaneously so that each is uniquely configured within the UDE server for different groups and roles. Alternatively, synchronize selected roles and users to import multiple sets of users with different roles.

  1. From the navigation pane, choose Batch Synchronization.
  2. To synchronize several users at once to uniquely configure each within the UDE Server for different groups and roles.
    1. Select Synchronize all groups and users.
    2. Set the User Synchronization Options.
    3. If Group Synchronization is enabled, set the Group Synchronization Options.
  3. To import multiple sets of users with different groups and roles assigned to them.
    Note: Online synchronization defines a single set of groups to be assigned to LDAP users, whereas different sets of users with different groups can be set up through batch synchronization.
    1. Select Synchronize selected groups and users - Advanced Scope.
    2. Set the User Search Criteria: Base DN, Scope, and any Advanced Filtering.
    3. Set the User Synchronization Options.
    4. If Group Synchronization is enabled:
      • Set the Group Search Criteria: Base DN, Scope, and any Advanced Filtering.
      • Set the Group Synchronization Options.
  4. Click Search. A preview of the results is displayed.
    If you enable Group Synchronization, click Switch to users or Switch to groups to toggle the view between the User search results and Group search results.