Duplicated Pins
The output pins of power device can be connected to the same net to flow large current. This rule checks whether the out pins of same device are connected to the same net. And check if the output pin of target device is connected to the specified net.

- Item: Input item name.
- Comp Group: Select a target component group to check output connectivity.
- Pin Type:
Set Pin Type to be checked. (Pin Number, Pin name, Pin Type) Upon
double-clicking empty row, the Pin Selection dialog
will be displayed.
Figure 2.
- Net Group: Define required net group to which specific pins should be connected.
- Composite
Power Net: Upon selecting this menu, DFE use composited power net instead of
single power net. Double-click the item field, then Composite
Power Net dialog will be displayed.
Figure 3.
- Passive Component: The DFE make composite net for which are connected through this passive component.
- Pin Group Property: In the case of a passive component of 3pin or more, pin mapping information is required for composite. Set the Property Name with pin mapping information.
- Exclude Net: Nets which should not be merged into composite net.
- Check Type:
Select check type.
- Different Power Net Connection Check: Check whether the output pins of the device are connected to the same power net.
- Output Connection Check: Check whether the output pin of the device is connected to power net.
- Exclude Comp: Define component group to exclude from test.