Circuit Group Type Setup

Circuit Group Setup

Create and manage circuit groups.

Circuit Group Type section generates circuit in the similar method as Net Group Type setup.

Figure 1.
  1. To add a new net group, enter a desired group number, and then click Add Groups.
  2. When an empty raw (red colored in Figure 2) is double-clicked, the Circuit Structure Setup dialog opens.

    Figure 2.
    You can create circuit using the following procedure.

    Figure 3.
  3. In the Circuit Structure Setup dialog:

    Figure 4.
    1. Use the 1st Component column to define Resistor type component.
    2. Use the Connected 2nd Comp column to define Capacitor type component.
    3. Use the 2nd End Net column to define net connected to Capacitor (GROUND).
    4. Use the 1st End Net column to define net connected to Resistor (DIR).
  4. Property: Enter component property. Upon using this option, when designating component constituting circuit, only components with this property are selected.

    Figure 5.