
View and edit padstacks of the part.

  1. Click Properties > Padstacks.
  2. Display and manage the padstacks of the part.
    1. Add: Add a new padstack.
    2. Remove: Remove the selected padstack.
    3. Copy: Copy the selected padstack.
    4. Import: Import padstack from a padstack file, *.pstk.
    5. Export: Export the selected padstack onto a file, *.pstk.
  3. Select the padstack type.
    SMT, Through Hole and Blind/Buried types are available.
  4. Display and edit the shape of the pad in the padstack.
    1. Display and edit pad shape and pad size for each layer. (Top, bottom, inner signal, and inner plane layer) by using of Edit Shape function.
    2. Click Edit Shape.
      • Shape Type: Select the type of the pad shape.
        • Circle, Rectangle, Oblong, Rounded Rectangle and arbitrary are available.
      • Shape size: Define the size of pad shape.
      • Pad Layer: Select the layer where the pad is placed.
      • Import/Export: Import/Export a pad shape from a file, *.shp.
  5. Information: Define the plating type and the thickness of the plate.
  6. Pad Shape: Display the selected pad shape.
  7. Pad structure: Display the selected pad structure