Control the display.
From the menu bar, click View. The view menu contains the following sections:
Item Views
- General View: Select package or footprint or logic symbol shape. The package view and the footprint view can be selected at the same time, and logic symbol view can’t be selected with another.
- Package View: User can select the package view and the footprint view at the same time or the package view only.
- Footprint View: User can select the footprint view and the package view at the same time or the footprint view only.
- Logic Symbol View: The default view is the logic symbol view and user can’t select or unselect other view.
2- or 3-Dimensional Display Control
- Display Type: Select the display type as 2D or 3D. (Available in package and footprint view.)
- Viewport Type: Select the viewport direction as top, front, side, bottom. (Available in 3D display type.)
- In/Out/Window/1:1
Layer Setting
- Title: Define the item names of each columns.
- V: Make visible On/Off for layer.
- No: Display the PollEx UPE’s artwork layer number.
- Name: Display the PollEx UPE’s artwork layer name.
- Color: Set the color of the layer.
- Depth: Set the display priority of the layer. Lower number layer will be displayed above.
- Attribute: Set the display mode to positive or negative. The default (NONE) is positive mode.
- Comment: Display comment of layer. Normally the artwork layer name of ECAD
is shown.
Button: Manage the layer settings.
- Add: Add a new layer.
- Remove: Remove an existing layer.
- Save/Save As: Save current visible layer setting onto a file, *.upal.
- Apply: Apply current setting. This does not close the window.
- OK: Apply current setting and close the window.
- Cancel: Discard current setting and close the window.
- 3D Package Geometry Color Setting: Set the color of 3D package geometries.
- Package/Footprint Display Grid: Set the grid status (visible/invisible, X/Y gap, snapping).
- Move Origin: Move the origin point to specified coordinate (available for package and footprint).
- Property Bar: Show/Hide the property bar (available in Edit Package Body function).