One Step Transient Thermal Stress Analysis

Temperature history is available after a Linear Transient Heat Transfer Analysis or Nonlinear Transfer Heat Transfer Analysis. One Step Transient Thermal Stress Analysis (OSTTS) is used to apply this temperature history (at multiple output time steps) to a Structural Analysis.

Linear or Nonlinear Transient Heat Transfer Analysis is run first, and the entire temperature history is applied as thermal load to subsequent static analysis. The static analysis can be a linear or nonlinear subcase.
  • For a linear OSTTS solution, after the transient heat transfer run, multiple linear static subcases are internally spawned (equal to the number of thermal loads from transient heat transfer) and the stress state is calculated for each output time-step based on the applied temperature loads.
  • For a nonlinear OSTTS run, the temperature from the preceding Transient Heat transfer Analysis is mapped linearly to the nonlinear static analysis subcase in the time domain as thermal load.

Linear and nonlinear OSTTS runs provide displacement and stress history for the duration of transient heat transfer. To capture the stress history accurately, you do not need as many time steps as Transient Heat Transfer Analysis. It is recommended to keep the number of output time steps (internal subcases) less than 50. When MUMPS solver is used, the upper limit for the number of boundary conditions is 200.

Fixed Initial and Final Time Temperature Mapping (HTIME=ALL)

A transient heat transfer subcase and a static subcase should be defined to perform a One-step Transient Thermal Stress Analysis. The static subcase can be either a linear or nonlinear subcase. TEMPERATURE case control entries with the HTIME keyword can be used in the static subcase to select specific or all time steps to perform the stress analysis. Below is a sample input deck:
   TITLE = Transient thermal subcase
   THERMAL(sort1, punch)=ALL 
   TSTEP = 100
   IC = 20
   DLOAD = 200
   TITLE = One step transient thermal stress subcase
   SPC = 1
Temperature history and peak stress history from OSTTS are shown in Figure 1. The peak temperature is 43.27 degrees Celsius at 145 seconds, while the stress peak is 42.35 Mpa at 165 seconds.
Note: The peak stress is not required to occur at the same time as the peak temperature or at the initial or final time step.
This illustrates that OSTTS is useful in capturing the stress peak over the duration of the transient analysis.
Figure 1. Temperature History and Peak Stress of One Step Transient Thermal Stress Analysis


Flexible Initial and Final Time Temperature Mapping (TEMPT)

This format supports nonlinear OSTTS only. In this format, the source of temperature load in a Nonlinear Static Analysis or Nonlinear Transient Analysis is taken from one of the following two options:
  • An internal transient thermal subcase (HSUB). The thermal load is mapped into the Nonlinear Static Analysis or Nonlinear Transient Analysis linearly from the transient thermal analysis in time domain. The mapping rule is defined in TEMPT card. Below is a sample input deck for nonlinear OSTTS in ‘TEMPT’ format with HSUB.
    SUBCASE 100
    TITLE = Transient thermal subcase
    THERMAL(sort1, punch)=ALL
    TSTEP = 100
    IC = 20
    DLOAD = 200
    SUBCASE 200
    TITLE = Nonlinear One step transient thermal stress subcase
    SPC = 1
    NLPARM = 50
    TEMP(LOAD,TEMPT) = 300
    TEMP(INIT)  =  60
  • An external file (HFILE). The thermal load is mapped into the Nonlinear Static Analysis or Nonlinear Transient Analysis linearly from the external file in time domain. Currently, only PUNCH files are supported as external temperature sources. The mapping rule is defined in TEMPT card. A transient heat transfer subcase is not required for the case where an external file (HFILE option) provides the thermal loads for mapping. Below is a sample input deck for nonlinear OSTTS in ‘TEMPT’ format with HFILE.
    SUBCASE 200
    TITLE = Nonlinear One step transient thermal stress subcase
    SPC = 1
    NLPARM = 50
    TEMP(LOAD,TEMPT) = 300
    TEMP(INIT)  =  60

Initial Temperature

In OSTTS analysis, initial temperature is determined by TEMP(INIT) entry. If TEMP(INIT) is not specified in an input deck, the following process is used to define initial temperature.
  1. For Linear OSTTS and Nonlinear OSTTS in ‘HTIME=ALL’ format, the elemental initial temperature is taken from the reference temperature in its material card. Nodal initial temperature is the average of the initial temperature in the elements supporting the grid.
  1. If OSTTS analysis (HTIME=ALL format) is used to perform either linear or Nonlinear Static/Transient Analysis at all output time steps of Transient Heat Transfer Analysis. Transient Heat Transfer Analysis outputs temperature results for every time step by default. This can lead to high run times and possibly generate large result files. It is recommended to use the skip factor (NO# field) on the TSTEP entry to control the number of time steps at which temperature results are saved for output, such that OSTTS analysis can still capture the stress history without significant computational cost.
  2. For Nonlinear OSTTS, the incremental step in Nonlinear Static Analysis and the output step of transient heat transfer analysis do not need to match each other. The incremental output of Nonlinear Static/Transient Analysis is controlled by the NLOUT entry.
  3. DLOAD entry in Nonlinear Static Analysis is not supported for Nonlinear OSTTS.