Laplacian smoothing can be used in the smoothing of the results of topology
The laplacian_smoothing statement controls the iteration number of
when the Laplacian smoothing will be performed and the feature angle threshold to preserve
normal discontinuity at corners.
Laplacian smoothing creates smooth boundary iso-surface by entering 1 as the 3rd argument
of the laplacian_smoothing parameter statement. Comparing Figure 2 and
Figure 3,
notice that Figure 3 is almost ready for casting.
Figure 2. Fix Boundary of Iso-Surface
Figure 3. Smooth Boundary of Iso-surface
The advantages of the laplacian_smoothing statement in OSSmooth
The flexibility of controlling the number of smoothing iterations to obtain different
degrees of smoothing (possibly a smoothing quality ready for casting). Normally, the
iteration number ranges from 5 to 20.
Smooth boundary of iso-surface with feature angle constrain are seamlessly
incorporated into the smoothing process, which is more challenging in a pure CAD