poIQueryCtrl GetQuery

Gets a list of request fields in a query.


poIQueryControl_handle GetQuery


HyperView Tcl Query


This command retrieves a list of request fields in a query.
Note: Query should be set using poIQueryCtrl SetQuery before retrieving it.


To get the last string query:
hwi GetSessionHandle mySessionName
mySessionName GetProjectHandle myProjectName
set pageIndex [myProjectName GetActivePage]
myProjectName GetPageHandle myPageName $pageIndex
set windowIndex [myPageName GetActiveWindow] 	
myPageName GetWindowHandle myWindowName $windowIndex	
myWindowName GetClientHandle myPostName
set modelIndex [myPostName GetActiveModel]
myPostName GetModelHandle myModelName $modelIndex
myModelName GetQueryCtrlHandle myQueryName
myQueryName GetQuery


Returns a query string, or an error code (HW_InvalidHandle) if the handle used to invoke the method is no longer valid.