hwIPage GetWindowSyncGroupState
Gets the current state of an existing window synchronization group.
hwIPage_handle GetWindowSyncGroupState syncGroupName
Tcl Query
This command retrieves the current state of an existing window synchronization group.
- syncGroupName
- The name of the window synchronization group that you would like to change the state on.
The following example will synchronize all windows on the current page. Divide your current
page into the desired number of windows and load a model into each
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle sess
sess GetProjectHandle proj
proj GetPageHandle pg [proj GetActivePage]
set numberOfWindows [pg GetNumberOfWindows]
set windowIdList ""
for { set i 1} { $i <= $numberOfWindows } { incr i } {
lappend windowIdList $i
if { [string length $windowIdList] } {
set syncGroupName "MyWindowSyncGroup"
pg AddWindowSyncGroup $syncGroupName $windowIdList
pgr SetWindowSyncGroupState $syncGroupName true; #activate window synchronization on this group
puts "Current state of $syncGroupName : [pg GetWindowSyncGroupState $syncGroupName]"
hwi CloseStack
This command returns a warning code if the specified synchronization group name does not exist.