- ::hwat::utils::BlockMessages
This function sets the block messages functionality to On or Off.
- ::hwat::utils::BoundingBox
This function calculates the bounding box around the given list of components or elements and returns the dimensions of the bounding box.
- ::hwat::utils::BoundingBoxFromCompList
This function calculates the bounding box from the given list of components.
- ::hwat::utils::ChangeToPerformanceGraphics
Sets the graphics mode to performance.
- ::hwat::utils::ChangeToStandardGraphics
Sets the graphics mode to standard.
- ::hwat::utils::CheckEntityOutOfRange
Checks if the IDs of the entity in the assembly lie within the minimum and maximum range.
- ::hwat::utils::CheckTagExists
See if a tag exists.
- ::hwat::utils::ClearMark
Clears the mark on the entity in HyperMesh.
- ::hwat::utils::ConvertUnits
Converts units from one format to another.
- ::hwat::utils::CopyEntitiesToCollector
This function copies the entities to the given collector.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateCollector
Create a HyperMesh collector.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateContact
Creates a contact between the main and secondary.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateElement
Creates an element in HyperMesh.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateEntitySet
Creates an entity set in HyperMesh
- ::hwat::utils::CreateFrontPole
Creates a rigid pole for frontal collision.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateHmVector
Creates a vector in HyperMesh.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateMark
This function clears the mark and creates a mark on the desired entities.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateNodeList
This function will create a list of nodes and return the list mark ID.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateOutputblock
Creates an outputblock.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateRigidWallBarrier
Creates a Rigid Wall barrier, both flat or angled.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateRoad
Creates a road in HWAT.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateSidePole
Creates a rigid pole for side impact.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateSectionCut
Creates a finite or an infinite section cut.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateSystem
Creates a new coordinate system, assigns it to a parent.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateTag
Creates a tag in HyperMesh.
- ::hwat::utils::CreateTempNode
Creates a temporary node at given location(s).
- ::hwat::utils::CreateTitle
Creates a title for given entity in HyperMesh.
- ::hwat::utils::DeleteEntity
Deletes the specified entity or entities from the loaded model.
- ::hwat::utils::DeleteFESession
Clears the entire HyperMesh session of all data.
- ::hwat::utils::DeleteTag
Delete a tag, if it exists.
- ::hwat::utils::DeleteTempNode
Deletes a temporary node/s.
- ::hwat::utils::DisplayEntity
Turns display of a HyperMesh entity off/on.
- ::hwat::utils::DisplayUserMessage
Displays a user message in the menu message area.
- ::hwat::utils::DuplicateElements
Duplicates the given elements.
- ::hwat::utils:: EntityExists
Check if an entity exists in HyperMesh.
- ::hwat::utils::ExportModel
Writes out the input deck for the solver.
- ::hwat::utils::FilterElements
Given a list of element IDs and element types, filters and returns only the intersection of the lists.
- ::hwat::utils::FindAttachedEntityToGivenEntity
Finds the list of attached entities for a given entity and puts them on mark 2.
- ::hwat::utils::FindMaximumPenetration
Finds the maximum penetration.
- ::hwat::utils::FindNodeOnComponents
Finds if the node belongs to any given component.
- ::hwat::utils::FindRootAssembly
Gets the root assembly for a given component or assembly.
- ::hwat::utils::GetActualBBoxFromBBox
Returns the actual bounding box of the nodes enclosed in the given bounding box.
- ::hwat::utils::GetAttributeValue
Gets the value of an attribute from the HyperMesh database.
- ::hwat::utils::GetBBoxFromElements
Returns the bounding box formed by given elements.
- ::hwat::utils::GetBBoxFromNodes
Returns the bounding box formed by given nodes.
- ::hwat::utils::GetClosestElement
Find the closest element in the assembly.
- ::hwat::utils::GetComponentSystem
Finds the system for the component.
- ::hwat::utils::GetCompsFromAssem
Gets the components in a given assembly.
- ::hwat::utils::GetElementCentroid
Finds the centroid of the element.
- ::hwat::utils::GetEntitiesInBox
Finds all entities in a box.
- ::hwat::utils::GetElementNodes
Finds the nodes of the element.
- ::hwat::utils::GetEntityCount
Get the total count of the entity by the given entity type in HyperMesh.
- ::hwat::utils::GetEntityMaxId
Finds the maximum ID for the entity.
- ::hwat::utils::GetEntityMinId
Finds the minimum ID for the entity.
- ::hwat::utils::GetEntityNameFromId
Finds the name of the entity from the ID.
- ::hwat::utils::GetIdFromTag
Finds the ID of the node with the given tag.
- ::hwat::utils::GetMarkedEntity
This function clears the mark, creates a mark on the desired entities, and returns the entities on the mark.
- ::hwat::utils::GetMassCG
Finds the mass, cg, and centroids of the given assembly.
- ::hwat::utils::GetMinMaxFromElements
Returns the 2D bounding box formed by the elements on the plane defined by the arguments.
- ::hwat::utils::GetModelFromIntranet
Reads the model file from Intranet.
- ::hwat::utils::GetParentSystem
Finds the parent of a system.
- ::hwat::utils::GetSysVectors
Extracts the X, Y, or Z vector of a system.
- ::hwat::utils::GetTag
Get tag ID.
- ::hwat::utils::GetTitleBuffer
Get title buffer.
- ::hwat::utils::GetTree
Lists the parent or child systems in a dummy. Should be used to retrieve paths without branches.
- ::hwat::utils::GetUniqueName
Finds a unique name for the entity.
- ::hwat::utils::GetVectorsFromSystem
Extracts the X, Y, or Z vector of a system.
- ::hwat::utils::GetXYZFromNode
Finds the coordinates of the node.
- ::hwat::utils::GetXYZFromTag
Returns the coordinates of the node with the given tag.
- ::hwat::utils::HideAssembly
Hides the given assembly.
- ::hwat::utils::HmToVclAssembly
Creates a duplicate copy of each resulting HyperMesh assembly as a component entity set (VCL assembly). These VCL assemblies will contain all components from the HyperMesh assembly that had a *PART card loaded/defined.
- ::hwat::utils::ImportAndPositionOffsetBarrier
Imports and positions the offset barrier for frontal crash.
- ::hwat::utils::ImportAndPositionPendulums
Imports and positions the pendulums for 581 bumper testing.
- ::hwat::utils::ImportAndPositionRearBarriers
Imports and positions the various rear barriers.
- ::hwat::utils::ImportAndPositionRoofBarriers
Imports and positions the left or right platens for roof crush.
- ::hwat::utils::ImportAndPositionSideBarriers
Imports and positions the various side barriers.
- ::hwat::utils::ImportAndPositionWallBarriers
Imports and positions the wall barriers for 581 bumper testing.
- ::hwat::utils::ModifyAssembly
Enables you to add components to an existing entity set.
- ::hwat::utils::MoveEntitiesToCollector
This function moves the entities to the given collector.
- ::hwat::utils::PadBBox
Pads the bounding box with the given values.
- ::hwat::utils::PenetrationCheck
Translates the nodes or elements along a vector until penetration is caused, and then translates in the opposite direction until the penetration is zero (less than 1e-1).
- ::hwat::utils::PositionDummyOnImport
Positions the dummy’s H-point at the required coordinates and, if required, rotates the dummy’s back angle by the given amount.
- ::hwat::utils::PositionLimbs
Positions the dummy's hands or feet to the required position.
- ::hwat::utils::PositionOOPDummy
Position the "Out of Position" driver or passenger dummy.
- ::hwat::utils::PositionSystemByTransform
Rotates and translates the system into the proper position/orientation using the transformation matrix.
- ::hwat::utils::PostToMessageBox
This function will post the message string on to the message log. If no text is passed the function will post the text in the global error variable to the message log.
- ::hwat::utils:: ReadTargetLocationCSVFile
Returns the data in a 201 Head Target Location CSV file.
- ::hwat::utils::ReflectEntity
Reflect the given entity.
- ::hwat::utils::RenameEntity
Renames entity collectors of given ID and type.
- ::hwat::utils::Renumber
Tries to renumber the list of IDs of the given entity so that they start with the 'startid' given as parameter.
- ::hwat::utils::ReviewAssembly
Turns off all components from the display and turns on only the components that are contained within the desired component entity set.
- ::hwat::utils::ReviewComp
Hides all of the components currently displayed, and displays the given component.
- ::hwat::utils::ReviewSet
Turns off all components from the display and turns on only the components that are contained within the desired component entity set.
- ::hwat::utils::RotateEntity
Rotate the given entity.
- ::hwat::utils::RotateSystem
Rotate the given system.
- ::hwat::utils::ScaleEntity
Scale the given entity.
- ::hwat::utils::ScanAssemblies
Scans a model to find if the assemblies in the passed Tcl list exist in the model.
- ::hwat::utils::SetDebugOnOff
This function sets the value of the global debug variable to 1 or 0 depending on the option passed. If no option is passed, the function toggles between 1 and 0.
- ::hwat::utils::SetJointAngles
Sets the joint angles of the dummy.
- ::hwat::utils::SetSolver
Sets the global SOLVER variable and sources the solver specific files. If the solver name passed is the same as the SOLVER variable, the files are not sourced.
- ::hwat::utils::SetTag
Updates tag using given tag ID body and label.
- ::hwat::utils::SetTemplateFile
Loads the template file in HyperMesh.
- ::hwat::utils::SetTitleBuffer
Updates the title
- ::hwat::utils::TokenizeLine
Tokenizes given line data based on the given separator.
- ::hwat::utils::TranslateEntity
Translates the entity (list of entity IDs) in the x, y, or z direction.
- ::hwat::utils::TranslateNodes
Translates the node(s) in the x, y, or z direction.
- ::hwat::utils::TranslateSystem
Translate the given system.
- ::hwat::utils::UpdateAttribute
Updates an attribute’s value in the HyperMesh database.
- ::hwat::utils::UpdateContact
Updates a contact between the main and secondary.
- ::hwat::utils::UpdateHMAssembly
Creates HyperMesh Assembly with name given. If the assembly already exists, it is first removed.
- ::hwat::utils::UpdateNodeSet
Updates an unordered node set in HyperMesh.
- ::hwat::utils::WriteDebugMessage
Posts debug messages to the message box where ::hwat::globals::DEBUG variable is set to 1.
- ::hwat::utils::WriteErrorMessage
Posts error messages to the message box