Administrative tools to customize your Altair HyperWorks installation.
The HyperWorks Automation Toolkit (HWAT) is a collection of functions and widgets that allows an application to quickly assemble HyperWorks automations with minimal effort and maximum portability.
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Use the Altair License Utility to determine a managed Altair Licensing ID, check license usage, borrow licenses, and set up managed Altair Units.
Altair Compute Console (ACC) is a utility that allows you to start different Altair HyperWorks Solvers.
Remote Job Submission in Altair Compute Console (ACC) is implemented as an alternative to a local run.
AbaqusODB UpGrade is a HyperView tool, which upgrades ODB files created in Abaqus 2018 (or earlier) to Abaqus 2023.
HgTrans translates solver results files from their native file format to Altair Binary Format (ABF). This can be done using the HgTrans GUI or via the HgTrans batch mode.
HvTrans is a result translator for HyperView that translates solver result files to .h3d files.
The HWTK GUI Toolkit is a resource tool for coding Tcl/Tk dialogs. It contains documentation of the HWTK GUI Toolkit commands, demo pages that illustrate our Altair GUI standards, and sample code for creating those examples.
The Cleanup Utility is a script for Windows that removes any custom settings that you may have due to the Altair applications installed.
The Model Identification Tool (MIT) is a profile in HyperGraph for fitting test data from frequency- and amplitude-dependent bushings to analytical models. The MIT operates in conjunction with HyperGraph, MotionView and MotionSolve to provide you with a comprehensive solution for modeling and analysis.
Register HVPcontrol registers the HVP ActiveX control for HyperView Player.
Finds the angle in degrees between two vectors.
This function will average the vector components.
Check a given cosine matrix for reflection properties.
Checks the validity of the given transormation matrix.
Convert a cosine matrix into three successive rotations.
Converts an angle from degrees to radians.
Finds the i, j, and k components of a vector given the coordinates of the start and end point.
Check the equality of two float numbers.
Check if the matrix is identity.
Finds a point on a vector at a given distance from the tail (starting point) of the vector. If the distance is given in percentage, it finds a point at percentage of the total vector length.
Converts an angle from radians to degrees.
Finds the average of two vectors.
Finds the cross product of two vectors.
Finds the dot product of two vectors.
Given a list of values returns the square root of the sum of the squares.
Given a list of values returns the list after normalization.
These functions use a SAX-based parser.
These are primarily private functions, and are not called directly in most cases. They are usually called privately by other functions as helpers.
The H3D Validation Tools available are H3D Info and H3D Validate.
Use the Altair HyperWorks Products Uninstaller to remove all files from the installation directory.
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