Flux e-Machine Toolbox: Workflows

Generate a coupling component for Flux e-Machine Toolbox

Here are the steps to run a computation via Flux e-Machine Toolbox:

  1. Open the project in Flux starting from the Flux Supervisor

    → The description of the electrical machine is considered done in this project

  2. Check the prerequisites in the Flux project for Flux e-Machine Toolbox coupling
  3. Open the dialog box of the generation of Flux e-Machine Toolbox coupling component

    Click on the Solving menu and click on Generate component for Flux e-Machine Toolbox coupling

  4. Choose the name of the component
  5. Choose to overwrite Yes or No the component if already existing (No by default)
  6. Choose the save directory (the working directory by default)
  7. Choose to run Yes or No the Flux e-Machine Toolbox application and open the generated component (Yes by default)
  8. Choose the electrical machine to study (family, type and sub-type of the motor)
  9. Choose the prerequisites for the computation of stator winding Joule losses
    1. The number of phases
    2. The coil conductor for each phase
  10. Choose the prerequisites for the computation of rotor Eddy current losses
    1. Choose the support type (Sensor or Region or Solid conductor)
    2. Choose the support
  11. Choose the geometric parameter defining the number of poles of the machine
  12. Enter the repetition number of the stator periodicity (if it is different from the rotor one)
  13. Validate by clicking on OK

    → The coupling component XXX.FEMT has been created

    → Flux e-Machine Toolbox is launched and the coupling component is opened

Run a test in Flux e-Machine Toolbox

Here are the steps to run a test in Flux e-Machine Toolbox:

Note: The coupling component is considered already generated in Flux.
  1. Open Flux e-Machine Toolbox by clicking in the supervisor on:
  2. Open the coupling component by clicking on the icon: and choose the coupling component XXX.FEMT and validate

    → The component is opened in Flux e-Machine Toolbox

  3. Define different user parameters
  4. Run the test

    Click on

    → A progress bar indicates that the test is in progress

    → The Flux solving is run in batch mode

    → Once the Flux solving is done, a postprocessing script is run

    → Once the postprocessing script is completed, perfomance maps are loaded in the central area of Flux e-Machine Toolbox

  5. Post-process the maps

    → It is possible to export the results of a test for a report (HTML and PDF format) or to postprocess data (TXT format)

Run a test through PBS (by manual Export / Import)

Here are the steps to run a test through PBS:

Note: The coupling component is considered already generated in Flux.
  1. Open Flux e-Machine Toolbox by clicking in the supervisor on:
  2. Open the coupling component by clicking on the icon: and choose the coupling component XXX.FEMT and validate

    → The component is opened in Flux e-Machine Toolbox

  3. Define different user parameters
  4. Export to PBS

    In FeMT, export all the required files for PBS by clicking on the button:

    →This will generate an archive (.zip file)

    The PBS Export window opens:

    1. Select the Destination Directory in which the archive will be created by clicking on the button
    2. Enter the Archive Name. The default name of the archive is <FeMT_coupling_component_name>_Test.zip
    3. Click on the button
  5. Run the computation through PBS

    In PBS:

    1. Enter the information required for the job:
      • Job Name
      • Flux Version
      • Flux application
      • Input file

        Drag and drop the archive: <FeMT_coupling_component_name>_Test.zip file (without unzipping it)

      • ...
    2. Click on the Submit job button and the FeMT computation will be run on the cluster
    3. Once the computation is finished
      1. Select the 3 files with the name:
        • EFF_AVG.CSV
        • EFF_RMS.CSV
        • TestInput.properties
        by checking the box to the left of the file name
      2. Click on the button and then on the Download menu

        → This will create an archive (.zip file)

  6. Import from PBS

    In FeMT, import the results from PBS by clicking on the button:

    The PBS Import window opens:

    1. Select the Archive Path (i.e. the full path to the .zip file just created in PBS) by clicking on the button
    2. Enter a Test Name (the name of the test which will appear in FeMT)
    3. Click on the button
  7. Post-process the results in FeMT as you are used to

Variant: Run a test from an electrical machine model obtained by FluxMotor

It is possible to do a Flux e-Machine Toolbox coupling from a motor described in FluxMotor and thus benefit from the pre-design done with FluxMotor and the modeling of the losses in Flux to obtain the performance maps in Flux e-Machine Toolbox:

  1. In FluxMotor, generate a python script corresponding to the studied motor
  2. In Flux:
    1. Run this python script to create the Flux project
    2. Save the project
    3. Generate the Flux e-Machine Toolbox coupling component
  3. In Flux e-Machine Toolbox, run the test