Magneto-thermal cosimulation: Postprocessing

Graphic postprocessing

The graphic postprocessing (isovalues, isolines etc) is done:

  • For the temperature :
    • In the thermal project: across the spatial quantity having the same name as the multiphysics formula created by the user to calculate and export the temperature (the spatial quantity is automatically created by the cosimulation)
    • In the electromagnetic project: across the « TKelvin » spatial quantity * (not available in Flux PEEC).
  • For the losses :
    • In the thermal project: across the spatial quantity created by the user in order to store the imported losses.
    • In the 2D or 3D electromagnetic project: It is not advised to display the losses using the spatial quantities which have the same names as the multiphysics formula, when several spatial quantities exist. In fact, the spatial quantity stores the data computed on the entire domain, even if the export is done on one region. The display of spatial quantities sum which store the same quantity (Joule losses for example) gives wrong data.
    • In the PEEC electromagnetic project: it is advised to display the losses only if the co-simulation solving scenario is mono-frequency. In fact, for multi-frequencies scenario, the exported losses are the losses sum for all frequencies, whereas the displayed losses are the losses for each frequency.

Evolution in time

To display the evolution in time of the temperature or of the losses, one must use a sensor. It can be defined by a local calculus (for the temperature) or by an integral calculus over the region (for the losses).

The formulas to use are the same as above (see graphic exploitation).

For the integral calculus, this is a surface integral calculus in 2D and a volume integral in 3D.