Creation of a spatial quantity of the multiphysics type


In the implementation of data exchanges for a multiphysics co-simulation where the physical phenomena must be interdependent, it is imperative to create spatial quantities of the multiphysics type in order to permit data exchanges via multiphysics session.

The two possibilities of creating a spatial quantity of multiphysics type are:

  • by the «standard» command of creating a spatial quantity
  • by a dedicated command for the creation of a predefined spatial quantity

Creating a multiphysics spatial quantity

To create a multiphysics spatial quantity:

Step Action

in the menu Parameter/Quantity:

  • point on Spatial quantity
  • activate the command New «standard»
A dialog box «New a spatial quantity» is opened
2 Choose the Name of spatial quantity

Choose the type of spatial quantity

  • Choose Spatial quantity for multiphysics
4 Choose the Spatial formula
5 Validate by OK

Create TKelvin spatial quantity

There is a supplementary command permitting to create a TKelvin predefined spatial quantity of the multiphysics type necessary in non thermal applications in order to take into consideration the temperature at the moment of the data exchanges within a multiphysics co-simulation with a thermal problem.

To create a TKelvin predefined spatial quantity:

Step Action

in the menu Parameter/Quantity:

  • point on Spatial quantity
  • activate the command New spatial quantity TKelvin for the temperature
A dialog box « New spatial quantity TKelvin for the temperature » is opened
2 Choose the by default value of the temperature (measurement unit Kelvin)
3 Validate by OK